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Howard S 17th September 2017 19:19

UASC/KSC Facebook Page

Originally Posted by Howard S (Post 6120)
Decided to look at this "alternative" site but not too much here so far.

I was in UASC 1979-84.

After the success of my Palm Line site I just started a Facebook page for "United Arab/Kuwait Shipping Co. Sea Staff".

Will see how it goes, feel free to join. It is a great way to store electronically and permanently some pics and some memories before they all disappear with the passage of time. In time sites like this one and Ships Nostalgia will close down as the members get older.

Best wishes,


Update on our Facebook page. Have 26 members now and have pics of all the Russians, K class and the first two generation of box boats. Not a bad start. Need more people pictures and also members! Plus anyone who has pictures of the very early days pre Russians. Thanks to Clive Beaver and Alan Suddaby to name two for their help. Albie's daughter Lorraine also joined!

Best wishes,

john lilburn 25th September 2017 19:22

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by brian3rdengineer (Post 4661)
hello John ( sorry chief) I think I sailed with you on the THEEKAR I did two trips a couple of years apart you were with Mary
I was the third engr who being into railways put signals on the generators!
I will check the dates on my watch keeping certificates when I get chance

:wave:You were definitely on the Theekar.

john lilburn 27th September 2017 21:37

Vince (the mince) Miller PCS, Guy at back left ??, Mark Graves J/E, Keith Houghton 4/E, John Ross C/O, John Connor Elect. (maybe)

john lilburn 30th September 2017 22:28

tried to upload the photo that goes with the previous post but no luck. what am i doing wrong?

Lao Pan 3rd October 2017 13:30

Hi Brian3rdEngineer

I found your Engineroom photos which have brought back memories - I don't think we ever sailed together, but I definitely sailed with your Generator Signals, possibly on the Ibn Qutaibah in winter 78 I'm fairly sure they were only single arm home signals though.
The piston photo reminded me of the last couple of trips I did before the great payoff :bye:
Having plenty of time on the night watch in port (8 till 8 but don't tell the second) and being asked by the 2/E to prepare for a piston change in the morning - imagine his surprise / slight consternation to find it already out, rings off and already cleaned up (I must have had a good Donkeyman as well) 2/E was Hilton Begg, couldn't decide whether to thank me or give me a b--- for going to far, but decided to thank me.


Did you do any trips as 3rd Officer after your UASC Cadetship - I did a trip with a British ex cadet from your part of the world (loved Golf) probably on the Ibn Malik 80/81, when we got to Kobe we had a slight conflict of interest (Harbor Lights) which probably, in a very convoluted way, caused me to find the love of my last 35 years.
After a wasted trip to Cardiff College for 2/E Part A and a double USA on the Al Rumaithiah
My next time back out to Japan was on the Ahmad Al Fateh in 1982.
The night-life in Kobe was dead - Harbor Lights had become an Japanese Karaoke Bar with only the Mama-san left there.
Later in the trip - Keelung, we had to shelter from a Typhoon overnight while Keelung was hit. Next day we went in to port and I went ashore, ending up at the China Bar an hour later at about 11 o'clock in the morning.
It was completely empty apart from one girl serving behind the bar - all the rest had gone home because of the typhoon. After a couple of beers we started chatting and some how it came out that she had been the Manageress of Jimmy's Record Shop in Kaoshiung that I had met 4 years previously.
After 7 days in Keelung, (should have been 24 hours but rained every day) we had agreed that on my next leave I would go out to Taiwan for a Holiday with her.
2 years later - after getting my "Thank you and goodbye" from UASC whilst on leave in Taiwan Sept 83. I flew back to Taiwan and married her.
On a previous ship the other J/E and myself received some good advice from the Captain (Terry Hunt? Lived on the Wirrel and hated people wearing denim in the Ships Bar or ashore - It's workwear only!) Never think about marrying Taiwan girls - the marriage isn't legal and they aren't allowed to leave the island.
Always being one for a challenge, I went out to prove him wrong and succeeded - just!

Lao Pan 15th December 2017 11:03

2 Attachment(s)
Where's everyone gone? :confused:

Came across some some old photo albums so thought I would share a couple from almost 40 years ago.
Both from the Ibn Asakir first half of 1978

First one starting from the right.
Me, myself JE - the really white one!
Ali (I think) the Iraqi engine room cadet - he became Spanish in Durban (Apartheid) and Paul Thistlethwait in Kaoshiung - Paul lent him his shore pass as the Taiwanese didn't like Saddam's friends, even then.
Paul Thistlethwait 3E - if you know Paul nothing need be said.
Last - I give up - anyone got any ideas?

Second One

Engine Room - changing Bottom-end Bearing? It had been running hot.

The Gentlemen is Faisil the 12-4 Donkeyman and supplier of Bandari Curry and Chapatis to the 12-4 engineers - has to be the reason why I remembered his name after all these years.
He started his seagoing career during the Second World War as stoker in BI Line (and still had the biceps to prove it) getting torpedoed and sunk twice.
In one watch (On the Asakir) he managed to kill 140 Kuwaitis with an oily rag and piled them up on the table - sorry that should have been Kuwaiti Flies.
On another occasion I thought the Generator flat was on fire, but he had forgotten that his potatoes were baking on the Generator Turbocharger and were smoking heavily!
A real character - hopefully still living out hie retirement in Karachi - he would be in his 90's now.

brian3rdengineer 24th December 2017 22:51

Merry Christmas and happy new year to ex KSC and UASC lads who I met and sailed with.


Engine Serang 20th March 2018 09:03

Back on-line, Christmas Greetings Brian.

Engine Serang 5th April 2018 06:48

So many sites on KSC/UASC I have to spread myself thinly.

Varley 7th April 2018 00:25

Like Marmite (or for us knobs Patum pepperium)?

Engine Serang 8th April 2018 07:38

Patum pepperium on Mothers Pride. There's posh.

Varley 8th April 2018 11:02

I've just Googled Mother's Pride. Sliced bread! Who on earth has heard of such a thing? Nothing goes in the toaster that hasn't been cut with the bread saw (unless dropped in by one of the cats).

Engine Serang 8th April 2018 11:24

At least the cats tail won't get caught in the mechanism. Maybe one got caught many years ago and started a trend.

Brian McCarthy 7th November 2018 15:03

Thanks for membership of this exclusive club
Hello chaps. Caught up from SN .have also posted on we do four and a half months here before a rest then go to FB-SN-back.will post some photos when i fugure out how. I am still at sea as C/E saving for retirement, it is more of a struggle these days8

Engine Serang 8th November 2018 07:31

I do not know how to use Facebook. My teenage child is now 39 and doesn't know either, and technology keeps moving on. Where's Sparky when I need one?

R58484957 8th November 2018 08:53

Greetings Brian and a warm welcome to SH. Bon voyage.

Varley 8th November 2018 14:49

Here I am E-S, but I didn't think you liked visiting the radio room without a chaperone.

Engine Serang 8th November 2018 16:51

Engine Serang makes an occasional visit to the Wireless Shack.

Hi Sparks, how's it going?
Any Pay-Off telegram yet? Are we on the Traffic List?

Before we go into the technicalities I need a bit of advice..... Do I need or should I join Facebook, Twitter or the other one? I don't believe I do but am prepared to be guided but don't want to be railroaded into it by whippersnappers like young McCarthy.

Brian McCarthy 8th November 2018 18:41

Thanks for the welcome chaps. Seems like 5 minutes since I went into Dougie Price's cabin introduced myself (been at sea before) to be met by the immortal words, Laddie, I'll give you a month, then i'll decide whether to sack you or not.
I find Facebook quite useful if you control who you message and receive from. I am in touch with sixty-odd year old kids with whom I was at school , and there are some interesting shipping groups and railway groups if you are that way inclined. still trying to attach photos on here, need to go on a course.
Bye for now,

Engine Serang 2nd March 2019 12:12

Who's on watch?

AlbieR 3rd March 2019 18:34


Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 21998)
Who's on watch?

Me, and waiting for a sodden relief!!

Engine Serang 4th March 2019 09:56

I'll get a 7 Bell lunch and relieve you. Cold Tennants in the bar fridge crying out for a sweaty engineer.

AlbieR 4th March 2019 16:52

Well ES it looks like we are stuck on sixes until Larry Blunt gets his finger out and shakes the tree for more reliefs.

john lilburn 8th March 2019 12:23

Hi Albie, consider yourself relieved, Pete Roberts and Mary are looking for someone to drink with! How did your New Zealand trip go?

Lao Pan 8th March 2019 15:29

I'm still around - just back from changing lub oil filters, second set this week, amazing what you get out when you chill the oil to 2 deg C !
Just thought, I must be one of George Weston's most senior JE's - almost 64 and never knowingly accepted promotion :jester: Another 10 years and I'll start thinking about retiring.

7 Bells Lunch - best thing about the 12-4 watch (apart from working with the 3/E) Curry for breakfast.

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