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Phillthechill 15th August 2020 15:59

Hello all! I'm ex-Brock's and, as the saying goes, as old as Methusala, (whoever he was!), and hope to 'meet' new and old friends. Cheers!:pint: Phill

Malcolm G 15th August 2020 16:03

Welcome aboard, Chilly.
What took you so long?
Plenty of your old (virtual) shipmates on here, as you will discover.:)

John Rogers 15th August 2020 16:21

Phill, did you bring your ladder.??

R58484957 15th August 2020 16:51

Hello Phill I wondered where you got to,long time no see.

Dartskipper 15th August 2020 17:43

Well done Phill, great to have you aboard.

Makko 15th August 2020 17:46

Welcome, Phil......

billyboy 15th August 2020 22:00

welcome aboard Phil. Glad to have you with us.

Lancsman 16th August 2020 08:26

Another evacuee perhaps! Welcome.

YM-Mundrabilla 16th August 2020 10:13

Welcome to our lifeboat Phil!

Hawkey01 16th August 2020 12:53


Welcome to SH - back to normality here.

Neville - Hawkey01

Phillthechill 16th August 2020 17:32

Thank you----
----all for your warm welcome and John, (Post 3), ladder safely ensconced in garage!

Is there a way I can get a quick 'Entry' to the Site, as I could with SN? You know one of them there what-do-you-call-'ems on the address bar at the bottom of the screen? SN had a lop-sided 'square' with a 'V' in it. Thank you all again.:applause: Phil

Malcolm G 16th August 2020 19:04

Phill, I assume that you are talking about an address 'short cut' on your browser...
It might vary slightly depending on what browser you are using but as a start I would suggest that you click on the icon on the left side of the tab which shows this website. then just drag and drop the icon into your bookmark toolbar.

And Robert should be your father's brother.

Phillthechill 17th August 2020 09:50

Tried that----

Originally Posted by Malcolm G (Post 31903)
Phill, I assume that you are talking about an address 'short cut' on your browser...
It might vary slightly depending on what browser you are using but as a start I would suggest that you click on the icon on the left side of the tab which shows this website. then just drag and drop the icon into your bookmark toolbar.

And Robert should be your father's brother.

----Malcolm, but it doesn't work, (could be me, of course----'thick as pig-s**t' as the saying goes!).

When I 'click' onto the icon I get a circle with a bar across it which, I presume, means I'm doing an 'illegal' move. Thanks anyway. Phil:(

Varley 17th August 2020 11:31


Some new boy you. It is a matter of etiquette on SH to wait to be promoted to "as thick as pigshit". Elevating yourself to that estate is considered rather 'forward'.

Ron Stringer 17th August 2020 12:44

Phil just exercising the 'pre-emptive strike' privileges of all Yorkshiremen.

Phillthechill 17th August 2020 13:11


Originally Posted by Varley (Post 31910)

Some new boy you. It is a matter of etiquette on SH to wait to be promoted to "as thick as pigshit". Elevating yourself to that estate is considered rather 'forward'.

----spotted again and, this time, David, I wanted to be so right! Mind you Ron spotted that wonderful epithet 'privileges of all Yorkshireman' which I did think gave me a certain something but perhaps not. Come on (Well worn!) coat we're off again!:cloud:Phil

Hawkey01 17th August 2020 15:18


Are you wanting the short cut to NEW POSTS if so it is under the - QUICK LINKS - drop down at the top right hand side of the page.


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