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rickles23 6th October 2018 10:22

England to France
I have just finished watching Guy Martin pedal his way to France on a mini arship, what got me was the commentary.

It stated that Hyde the starting position was South of Dover and France was West of Dover. I listened to it several times.

I always thought that Hyde is roughly East of Dover and France was roughly South. I am not the world's greatest navigator so I am just checking with those who have more knowledge in these matters.


Varley 6th October 2018 10:33

You are looking for a good navigator? Here!?

Engine Serang 6th October 2018 13:10

Get Sparky to use them roundy things on the monkey island to DF Radio Calais and put that in your cocked hat.

YM-Mundrabilla 6th October 2018 13:17

You are lucky to understand anything Martin says. He comes over as an incoherent idiot here in Oz.
(I know that he isn't an idiot but he is certainly incoherent ....................):jester:

Farmer John 6th October 2018 16:16

I watched a gardening programme last night, a plant trial by the RHS has a Northern site, in Shropshire. Anything North of that is just a howling wilderness, presumably.

Varley 6th October 2018 16:47


Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 18618)
Get Sparky to use them roundy things on the monkey island to DF Radio Calais and put that in your cocked hat.

We can't do that any more E-S, GMDSS took them off us (well, with Al Farabi it was lightning but that was only the beginning). Rescue types can do it with VHF, uses four whips instead of one steerable loop or two fixed. Whips OM, whips. Right up your street what, what?)

Faxferryman 26th September 2020 22:58

Rickles 23
Good evening, at the risk of showing off, and a quick double check on google earth, If you were to head slightly South of East you would find the French /Belgian Border, and anywhere via South to a South Westerly direction, you should end up in France (Roughly 095* to 225*)
And yes Hythe is West South west of Dover. Hoping to prove the deck department do have some uses (not a lot but some:))

Engine Serang 27th September 2020 06:34

Boxing the Compass should be a minimum requirement.

Malcolm G 27th September 2020 08:25

It might be worth pointing out that Rickles last visited in November last year.
Let's hope he gets a 'someone has posted' email and comes back, if he is OK.

Malcolm G 27th September 2020 08:27


Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 33084)
Boxing the Compass should be a minimum requirement.

And if you can't do that, would mixed martial arts suffice?

BobClay 27th September 2020 10:00

I checked on Google Earth and France is definitely North of Dover.

(Wait a minute, the bloody monitor is upside down ... !!! .... disregard the above.)


rickles23 27th September 2020 11:44

Hi all,

I am ok and still vertical but illnesses have slowed me down a fair bit. Another question if I may? I am looking for sonar scans of the HMS Prince Philippe which was sunk following a collision in WW2 with HMS Empire Wave at 55° 5' N., 5° 24' W or roughly between Ireland and Scotland, 8 miles NW of Corsewall Point. I have tried the Royal Navy, Irish Navy and just about everyone I could think of. If anyone knows of a sonar scan maybe from a fisherman cuold they let me know? Regards

Malcolm G 27th September 2020 22:22

Hi Rickles,
Glad to see you are still about.
Had a shuftie and see that you already have the Wreck Site link etc.
I hope that someone on here can come up with something for you.

rickles23 28th September 2020 05:19

The Clyde Sea Sill
G'day Malcom G,

I was searching for the HMS Prince Philippe and found an intereting lead.

There is an area called The Clyde Sea Sill, I kid you not, and on the Southern end is where the wreck is located.

Now I can try the people looking after the area about the wreck.

I will keep you updated.

The other wreck I was looking for, Prinses Astrid, was sunk after hitting a loose Mine in 1949 near Dunkerque. Luckily I was able to get a single photograph of part of the wreck which gives me an ending to that one.


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