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dick burrow 23rd June 2021 09:04

samsung smart tv source changing itself
anybody know how to stop a samsung smart tv from changing source itself ,randomly with long gaps,short gaps, sometimes ok for hours.

BobClay 23rd June 2021 14:45

Get it on the source you want then remove the batteries from the remote (where the source selector button is.) If this stops it, the problem is with the remote. If not, the problem resides in the TV.

Varley 23rd June 2021 15:18

Any chance you have a voice control gadget that could have decided it was integrated with the TV? Mal Phillips (MIMCO Boffin and dressage rider - possibly dressage sitter-almost-still?), years ago built a voice controlled TV but had to disable it as it changed channels if a programme on one channel was announced on another.

Makko 23rd June 2021 15:41


Originally Posted by Varley (Post 39206)
Any chance you have a voice control gadget that could have decided it was integrated with the TV? Mal Phillips (MIMCO Boffin and dressage rider - possibly dressage sitter-almost-still?), years ago built a voice controlled TV but had to disable it as it changed channels if a programme on one channel was announced on another.

I noticed in the summer sales here, that all the new televisions feature voice control. I have a voice control feature in the car - All I ever use it for is to change radio stations! I cannot be bothered to learn how it works. I won an Alexa in the christmas draw a few years back. Seeing how I don't have an Amazon account, it's features were limited. It never responded to my voice either, only to my daughters and wife! Anyone want a virtually unused Alexa?

Varley 23rd June 2021 15:53

Thanks Dave but not if it comes with a team of angry females wondering why it is no longer working for them.

As a matter of mild chauvinist research did you find they prattled on more when they had a gadget that actually responded to them occasionally or did that novelty eventually wear off?

(I do have a tin hat)

Makko 23rd June 2021 16:05

No, no interest after about twenty seconds - No.2 daughter was worried that it was spying on us! So, disconnected and lost in a box somewhere in the house. I really wanted the Apple Watch to give to my wife. I bought her a Polar anyway for her half marathon training - Her fitness index went up to 36 last week! Not bad for a 59 year old who runs 1/4, 1/4 and 1/2 a marathon a week!


Varley 23rd June 2021 17:26

I cannot find a frame of reference for that but a whole marathon a week (even if taken in slices) must be good at any age. At school I did 5 miles a day plus 10 at weekends. Since then, I fear, that has been more pints than miles and my knees now don't agree to me walking to the newsagent let alone running.

john Cassels 23rd June 2021 18:47

My Ford Kuga has Sync3 with voice activated control over most workings in the car. But ; the
reactions I get when giving commands or asking advice in Dutch with my Glasgow accent are
not only hilarious but sometimes embarrasing !.

Malcolm G 23rd June 2021 19:30

Back to OP....

This can apparently happen if you have a sound bar connected via HDMI.
The system gets confused and thinks that the sound bar is a 'source' and turns it on, or any other HDMI device if it cannot find a signal.
(I do not have a sound bar and rarely use the 'smart' functions on my Samsung Tv so cannot test or verify)

Otherwise you could go to settings and disable auto connect.

Rod Matheson 23rd June 2021 20:02

Contrary to what David Attenborough may tell you, dinosaurs did NOT die out millions of years ago, as one, at least, is typing this message.

dick burrow 24th June 2021 11:26

thanks guys, hopefully sorted now, connected a 4g filter adaptor supplied free by freeview, apparently stops mobiles upsetting signals to smart tv. fingers crossed n see how it goes.

Engine Serang 24th June 2021 12:30

My PYE 17" with a CRT never had this problem.

Makko 24th June 2021 15:47

17"! Now, stop bragging, ES!

Engine Serang 24th June 2021 18:27

Will you settle for three x 6".

BobClay 24th June 2021 19:43

What's that in pecks and bushels ???

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