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YM-Mundrabilla 13th June 2019 13:32

Trouble in the Gulf of Oman
Two tankers apparently hit by explosions.

Sparks69.5 16th June 2019 16:57

Double Hulled ?
Crew Numbers ?

BobClay 16th June 2019 20:57

I'm getting a sense of Déjà vu. :bad_mad:

Tomvart 17th June 2019 16:55

Dejavu indeed Bob.......very effective way of making a point, I can remember the bloody chaos it caused last time?
What really galls me is the fact that Mr Corbyn always seems to publicly fall off the fence - on the wrong side, why on earth would a member of the Privy Council take the side of a hostile nation against the advice of his own intelligence services?

BobClay 17th June 2019 17:59

You'd be better asking that of Donald Trump.

Pilot24 17th June 2019 20:25


Originally Posted by Tomvart (Post 23684)
Dejavu indeed Bob.......very effective way of making a point, I can remember the bloody chaos it caused last time?
What really galls me is the fact that Mr Corbyn always seems to publicly fall off the fence - on the wrong side, why on earth would a member of the Privy Council take the side of a hostile nation against the advice of his own intelligence services?

Because he's a "Richard Cranium?"

Tomvart 17th June 2019 20:50


Originally Posted by Pilot24 (Post 23688)
Because he's a "Richard Cranium?"

:applause: You took the words out of my mouth!

BobClay 18th June 2019 13:10

Don’t worry lads, we have a new saviour in the offing. BJ.

No, not Blow Job.

Errr .... come to think of it ... perhaps that is right. :eek:

Tomvart 18th June 2019 21:48

God forbid Bob.....BJ as the saviour!!! I Just watched this evenings 'debate', featuring 'BJ'....Not surprisingly he didn't cover himself in glory........why on earth is he so popular within his it the old school tie perhaps?

BobClay 18th June 2019 22:33

Further proof methinks of my 'alien spaceship hiding in the asteroid belt aiming an insanity beam at the Earth' theory.
Even the most hardened sceptics can doubt that now …… :eek: :sweat:

Jolly Jack 20th June 2019 09:14


Originally Posted by BobClay (Post 23707)
Further proof methinks of my 'alien spaceship hiding in the asteroid belt aiming an insanity beam at the Earth' theory.
Even the most hardened sceptics can doubt that now …… :eek: :sweat:

Oh dear!!!! Grow up Roberto!


BobClay 20th June 2019 10:41

What ? … and end up like you ?

No thanks. :eek:

Engine Serang 22nd June 2019 16:51

Now, Now, Boys.

In my day Trouble in the Gulf of Oman was started by rising sea water temperatures, main engine has to be pulled back, second generator on the board and the air conditioning refusing to play its part.
Add to this the chance of water rationing and having to go on the piss before the Bond is locked prior to arrival in Dammam. Life was miserable. Add a Mad Mullah or two and the mix is really on the downward curve.

Decision: get job with Stena.

Dartskipper 22nd June 2019 21:00


Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 23747)
Now, Now, Boys.

In my day Trouble in the Gulf of Oman was started by rising sea water temperatures, main engine has to be pulled back, second generator on the board and the air conditioning refusing to play its part.
Add to this the chance of water rationing and having to go on the piss before the Bond is locked prior to arrival in Dammam. Life was miserable. Add a Mad Mullah or two and the mix is really on the downward curve.

Decision: get job with Stena.

Are they running a ferry service in the Gulf now as well?

BobClay 22nd June 2019 22:40

During the Iran/Iraq war I got £140.00 per day on top of wages on entering the Gulf. Prior to entering CP offered to relieve anybody who didn't want to go in.

There were no takers.

Money is the root of all evil. :big_tongue:

Varley 23rd June 2019 01:14

That is more commonly "the love of money". Rather like a "little learning", oft betrayed by misquotation!

BobClay 23rd June 2019 05:55

Tell that to these ladies. There's some learning for you. :sweat:

Varley 23rd June 2019 15:52

They misquote very tunefully.

Engine Serang 23rd June 2019 16:16

Thank God Elvis saved us from such drivel.

Farmer John 23rd June 2019 16:31

Ain't no love in that song.

BobClay 23rd June 2019 19:19

Ahhh romantics, the curse of the world. :p

I was never an Elvis fan, but I never doubted his talent. Surprisingly I've read he was much concerned in his life about his abilities. I got the impression he was caught up in some sort of corporate machine that insisted he be more legend than talented performer. And that bothered him, but that's just my opinion. :huh:

You want the Amercan music I thought brilliant (just my taste) back in those days, nope … it isn't the Andrews Sisters, it's a tad later, it's this.

Strangely relevant even today, and with some metaphorical connection to this thread.


Engine Serang 24th June 2019 09:34

Steppenwolf is too much easy listening Radio 2 for me. Give us something with a bit more bite and with a chance of annoying the Moderators.

BobClay 24th June 2019 10:16

Oh yeah I can do that. For some peculiar reason this reminds me of the recent shenanigans in the Houses of Parliament, especially the second half. :eek:

Maybe it applies to the Gulf too :shock: :sweat:

tugger 26th June 2019 02:36

I was in Abadan when they kicked the Shah out, Had to go ashore to let go the ropes, an Arab ran at me with a knife, but I ran the fastest and futherest, I went to school in Wales.

Tomvart 26th June 2019 09:22

My late older brother Owen was also in Iran when the revolution kicked off - he worked building oil installations (after leaving the sea and shipyard work), it didn't help his unlucky reputation, when after hastily exiting Iran in '79, fleeing the Revolution - he started working in Iraq (around Basrah), Saddam then put paid to that job in 1980 when he started the Iran-Iraq war towards the end of 1980.

What sealed his growing inauspicious reputation was when he was working at one of the refineries near Benghazi in Libya - the date being 1986, when the US bombed Libya (including some Military installations around Benghazi) - he and many of his workmates were rounded up (and beaten up), jailed in a compound before being extradited.....

His 'Jonah' reputation was sealed in the Oil and Gas industry, and he went back to much safer shipbuilding and repair work back home. He variously had the nickname 'Jonah' or 'Demolition Dick' to his mates in the industry, because of the chaos and war that always seemed to occur wherever he was in the world!

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