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BobClay 24th July 2017 20:14

Could This Be the End ?
1 Attachment(s)
The other day I went into my local to find the landlord was having a different kinds of weird bottled beers festival. It's that sort of pub.

Anyway he kept pestering me to try this bottled beer that, would you believe it, was tequila flavoured !! I mean ... come on ... tequila flavoured beer ?

Now on separate occasions in the past I've come out of this pub with various stuff, for example once with an oak tree in a pot, now growing like a genetically modified triffid in my garden. Another time I came out with an ash tree in a paint tin, also growing in my garden. So I ended up buying a bottle of this 'tequila flavoured beer' just for a bit of peace.

I took it home and decided to drink it watching the box. I was prepared to be disgusted, but found ... wow !! ... it was actually quite nice !! Today I bought a case of the stuff in a Bude supermarket.

Tequila flavoured beer ... could this be the start of my spiralling decline into madness ?? :eek:

erimus 24th July 2017 21:18


Tequila flavoured beer ... could this be the start of my spiralling decline into madness ??
Have you just realised the situation then Bob?


Naytikos 25th July 2017 21:40

It must be the air in that part of the world: During my time in Plymouth we got into the habit of mixing flat Devon cider "Scrumpy" with Plymouth Breweries mild. Tasted terrible but had an effect like a mule kick to the back of the head for less than a shilling.

erimus 27th July 2017 15:43

Mentioned this in my local last night...Oh you have been able to get Desperados for years, we often have it on our nights out.....never heard of it myself.


Jolly Jack 28th July 2017 12:47

Does anyone know of what was called - a 'barbed wire'. Rum and cider. Powerful stuff!


John Rogers 28th July 2017 16:37

Drank Barbed Wire the Royal Hotel in Avonmouth,two of them would knock you on your backside, to make the pint a little colorful the bar tender George would add a little shot of Ribeena.

jg grant 7th August 2017 09:40

unforgettable forgotten night in Plymouth.
A night only remembered for its conclusion and the morning after. After a night in Plymouth on Scrumpy Royale and drambuie I reeled back to the Wave tanker, bee line about two miles, lateral mileage about fifteen, fell off the wharf into a coal heap. No idea why there was coal at the wharf,unless it was for the galley. Very comfortable too. So somewhere in the early hours I got up and reached my bunk. In the morning I was put on the shake which I ignored until a group came in singing,' Mammy', due to my enhanced pigmentation. Haven't touched the scrumpy since. Was it called Royale?
with the pretentious 'E' on the end.
I still try to help with the Drambuie. P.S. glad there was a coal heap there.

BobClay 7th August 2017 13:50

My local has a cider festival running through this month. There are all kinds of weird ciders, some of which look like they've just been drained from the bladder of a brontosaurus.

I also experienced a bad cider hangover many years ago, which pretty much cured me although I'm partial to a pint on a very hot sunny day. (Which means rarely ... :wave: )

Dave McGouldrick 8th August 2017 16:56

Ah - the pleasures of drinking in the hot sun. Pint after pint slides down beautifully - then what a hangover. if you get the timing right, you can walk into a waking hangover........Oh Dear Oh Dear Oh Dear.

Tony Selman 8th August 2017 16:56

Bob I am appalled. That a former R/O would own up to drinking tequila flavoured beer is a flogging offence in my book. A good pint of well kept and well pulled real ale is what you should be drinking. You then compounded the offence by going out and buying a case of the stuff. You should have stuck to your GCHQ background and kept it a part of the Official Secrets Act.

BobClay 8th August 2017 21:49

Ahhh it's a fair cop.

I was a bitter drinker for many years, after all I come from the Midlands. But years at sea drinking lager (I only ever sailed on one ship that had draught bitter, a Ben Line Ship and I was the Junior Sparks) and after years and years of that, going back to bitter is hard to do.

So now I drink Guinness and lager (not at the same time, I'm not a complete Philistine) and when back up in the Midlands cower in the corner hiding my dark secret. :eek:

sibby 9th August 2017 15:20

I am a real ale drinker. There are a lot of good independent real ale breweries round where I live.

Farmer John 9th August 2017 17:57

I'm a drinker who prefers real ale, but I'm not going to turn down other stuff.

BobClay 9th August 2017 19:28


Originally Posted by Farmer John (Post 6999)
I'm a drinker who prefers real ale, but I'm not going to turn down other stuff.

Yes .... as that old saying says: 'It all comes out the same.' :jump:

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