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Old 19th December 2017, 20:59
phil saul New Zealand phil saul is offline
Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Tauranga new Zealand
Posts: 31
Originally Posted by Pat Kennedy View Post
Phil, Did you ever bump into that crowd of Liverpool Chinese catering lads who did no deep sea, only coasting and shore gang work.
They all came from Liverpool's Chinatown and were more scouse than the scousers.
I had some laughs coasting with them, all larger than life characters who were great lads to go ashore with. They could even pull the girls in places as miserable as Newport, which takes some doing!
Their leader was an Errol Flynn lookalike named Ronnie Chan, who could charm the birds out of the trees. I last saw Ronnie in the Temple Bar in Dale street with an entourage of girls hanging on his every word. That was in 1970.
Hi Pat,
When I first joined Bluies I had a couple of months working in the canteen at Odyssey Works, washing dishes mainly, while I waited for a place in the catering training school.
While I was there, there was a guy named Tony Chan, about 19 yrs of age who was working there as he was due to get married, and from what I can recall I don't think he had ever been deep-sea.
He was a real good looking guy, and a natty dresser but a really nice bloke who never got tired of answering dumb questions from a 15 yr old about the ships.
The girls at Odyssey Works who repaired all the soft furnishings for the ships were all over him like a rash and he was a real popular bloke.
When he was joking with the girls, I was always hovering around in the background hoping for the best but they definitely weren't interested in a skinny, pimply faced 15 year old.
I could only dream of being away to sea and having the money to dress like Tony did and impress the ladies.
I'd give my right arm to be starting all over again at Odyssey, despite all those dirty dishes!!!
Regards Phil
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