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Old 3rd April 2018, 10:13
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Farmer John Farmer John is offline
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Originally Posted by Red-17 View Post
I am not sure to whom I should direct this enquiry but, hopefully, I will receive a sensible answer.

Question 1. Who is responsible for managing catering on our beloved ship
2. How long has it been since the galley was given a really good clean
3. When was the present equipment installed in the galley


Sadly if I have just one more report of food poisoning from the crew I will be compelled, under law, to call in the Public Health inspectors.
1.Of late I have done some of the cooking. As I have always been completely irresponsible, i am not responsible, I just get hungry sometimes.
2.We all lick our own plates (and glad to do so).
3.A frying pan does not need installing.

We do, from time to time, make a real effort and produce excellent food as perusal of our archives will show. Coastie was a master with the Breville and his anchovies with anchovies on anchovy toast was masterly. Some felt it lacked a little salt, they were allowed extra anchovies.

Public Health Inspectors will be Shanghaied and sold to the next Windjammer with a Bucko mate, equipped with a Pac-a-mac and some slippers for foul weather gear and end up furling the Moonsail whilst rounding the Horn.
Buvez toujours, mourrez jamais.
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