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Old 5th April 2018, 06:30
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Tom Alexander Canada Tom Alexander is offline
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Originally Posted by Red-17 View Post
Pardon??? You may have to explain that to me Capt. Tom.
Oh! My! How insensitive of me!!! There is no other way of putting it -- but in order to be black balled, one has to have balls -- in the strict physical sense. (I sense from all your previous posts that you are strictly of the feminine gender, and therefore devoid of the necessary appendages, [enclosed by a scrotum] and therefore having nothing as delinieated to be blackened. ) In my experience, if someone (necessarily male) presented themselves as a continuing nuisance, they stood the chance of being forcibly restrained and having their genitals daubed with a mixture of black shoepolish and strawberry jam.(Preferably just prior to them being called on to stand their watch.) Perhaps that is why in our present day, we have to put up with a bunch of bleeding hearts, rather than putting a quick end to their continuing bleating??

O.K., O.K., So I am not a a P.C. type !!
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