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Old 22nd June 2018, 15:24
YM-Mundrabilla's Avatar
YM-Mundrabilla Australia YM-Mundrabilla is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Mundrabilla (haha), Melbourne really but I'd rather be in Narvik
Posts: 799
Originally Posted by Chris Terrey View Post
There was a thing old blokes used to say about leaving the sea - put an oar on your shoulder & start walking inland. When someone asks you what that thing on your shoulder is, thats where you stop. I could'nt do that. I was born & grew up on the coast,learnt to swim about the same time I learnt to walk. If I get too far inland I get twitchy, so when I finally got married & swallowed the hook back to Aussie we came, bought a house on Botany Bay & for about the last 30 yrs have had a shop selling & repairing outdoor power equipment. Took some getting used to but all my life has been nuts & bolts &boats.Retirement coming up, I'm 71 & I'm terrified.
Any chance of putting your experience to use working for someone else a day or two a week? I retired at 71 and whilst I have plenty to do; reading, gardening etc, I sometimes wonder about a relatively menial job for a day or two week using my experience and every care but without the responsibility of managing KPIs, business finances etc. The pay level would be not be hugely important.
Geoff (YM)
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