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Old 4th July 2018, 08:56
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Tmac1720 Northern Ireland Tmac1720 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Newtownabbey
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Rabbit and a Bear were talking one day in the woods. "Tell me" says the Bear "does shit stick to your fur?".."no" said the Rabbit at which point the Bear grabbed the Rabbit and wiped his arse with it.

Sorry I digress, there is no WD 40 on board apart from the injuneers personal supply, you lot can make do with Vaseline and like it so there
Oul scabby knuckles

If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried

Anything God didn't create was made by engineers.

I try so hard to make things idiot proof but they keep making better idiots
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