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Old 10th July 2018, 15:27
McCloggie Malaysia McCloggie is offline
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I be wun of dem der interlopers, who climbed de rope ye all left hanging over the stern, yer vessel weren't very shipshape and Bristol fashion, and being of motley crew meeself I tought may as well be sailing wid the udder motlies. I be old and gnarled but still do a fair dinkum hornpipe salsa! aargh!

Lets us not dwell on how IJC appears to be here - he is and we must deal with it! Its a bit like Brexit really - we may not agree with either side but we must just get on with it.

If IJC wanted to join us all he had to do was present himself to the Security Crew (we do carry some "special" cargoes after all) and we would have checked his suitability, after all anyone is welcome onboard here.

Climbing up the mooring lines however when we had a gangway out does seem suspicious and he may be checking our supply of rum, classic 1950s cars and cigars (Sir William take note).

Now while he may be quite innocent and a genuine crew member, firstly the cut-outs must take him to Sick Bay for a full medical please Red.

After that we can see what role this interloper can perform.

Actually, if he is good at making cocktails and providing Cuban/Spanish food it might get ES off my back and I would support his inclusion into the crew!

Right, off to see where Sir William and Dart Skipper are onshore.

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