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Old 11th July 2018, 08:20
IJC 38 United Kingdom IJC 38 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Torquay
Posts: 59
Originally Posted by Tom Alexander View Post
Welcome aboard IJC -- I see from your profile you are an ex-trawler man. In that regard you are now offically appointed as our lead fisherman.

Argh! it be a long time since this poor Yorick cast a net in those welcoming cold waters off Iceland and Bear Island, I was but a tiddler myself, St Peter my fellow net caster was yet a boy also, joining the MN was like going to heaven after trawlers, forsoothe I shall endeavour to fulfil the duties cast upon me, so that my shipmates may enjoy the fruits of my labour of sticking my hand up a fish and ripping its guts out.

I am humbled by the references given by the fair maid Marian and stowaway Rob and I shall endeavour to live up to their disappointment in me. As one teacher said, this boy will not get far' but alas he had not reckoned on me joining the MN, I went so far I met myself coming back!

And as for the gentlemen some erstwhile time earlier said I should expose myself, forsoothe, oddboddikins sire have yee but little knowledge that it would transgress all known laws of Her Majesty's Realm and Governance to exhibit what little I have left and I have no wish to inconvenience Her Majesty's Constabulary in trying to find something that I find hard to locate even though it is still attached.
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