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Old 28th April 2017, 16:54
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Originally Posted by Dartskipper View Post
Shippams made a large variety of savoury spreads. Lots of sea food based stuff that we used to spread on our white bread or toast, or for a Sunday treat, cream crackers.
They also made what they called beef spread and other stuff from the by products of four legged mammals that wandered into the slaughter house and didn't successfully arrive at the other end in one piece. I think Shippams actually had a 1,000 gallon vat of the stuff bubbling away in their factory, and put into those little glass jars, and then stuck different labels on to fool us that this jar tasted different to that jar. If you closed your eyes it all tasted the same.

Keep an eye on the chickens, Pat. Chicken spread was one of their best sellers.
Did you see Shippam's Guide to the Opera? "Shippam's for tea, for tea for tea....."

I suppose one might say it's forteasimo.
David V
Lord Finchley tried to mend the electric light
Himself. It struck him dead and serve him right
It is the duty of the wealthy man
To give employment to the artisan
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