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Old 7th August 2018, 19:00
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Not entirely connected but in my youth I assisted with some theatrical lighting.

The colour filters used came in a huge range of colours, originally made of a gelatine based material and known as 'gels'.
In the range of 'gels' supplied by Strand Electric there was one called 'Surprise Pink'. In daylight it looked just a pale pink, but placed on a theatre light with a tungsten lamp and the colour changed to something very similar to the 'lavender' shade as described above - hence the name.

Perhaps with different lighting conditions of different colour temperature the Union Castle paint changed shade, or appeared to the human eye to change, in much the same way, albeit reflected rather than transmitted light.

Doesn't help with the name but it might account for it being chosen for use as camouflage.
The Mad Landsman
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