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Old 17th December 2018, 18:34
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Varley Isle of Man Varley is offline
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I think Tiny Tim was tiny because of lack of years rather than lack of inches (although schoolboys can be very cruel). Mr. Dickens does not tell us of Tim's diagnosis. Were his cripplehood down to genetics than it is another demerit for Scrooge in allowing him the chance of survival to breeding age (supposing he did have the inches for the work).

I might add that a comment like that from a Hibernian is a bit rich. Mrs. M was Irish and it is a never ending wonder that, with the number of her kinsmen employed to play on her little boy's distant writing apparatus, that there was any room left in MIMCO for the whiteman.

Did you know you can determine polarity of supply with a potato?
David V
Lord Finchley tried to mend the electric light
Himself. It struck him dead and serve him right
It is the duty of the wealthy man
To give employment to the artisan
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