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Old 17th June 2019, 20:48
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Tomvart United Kingdom Tomvart is online now
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Totally agree Bob - The pioneering spirit English Electric (Aircraft) was essentially destroyed by multiple forced mergers - all initiated by Government meddling in the 60's - It seemed that they had such a bright future until the mergers undermined pretty much everything they did well - being innovative and bold (just look at the Canberra & Lightning if you need proof of that).

The end result today - a highly risk averse and management top heavy BAE Systems, 60% of which is in the US. All of that bold innovation has been slowly beaten out of them since the TSR2 debacle.

Geoff - You may have a valid point with Parsons though, as they were taken over by a succession of different companies in the 80's, (RR included I think) - none of which could really re-establish themselves in the Turbine market, marine or civil. I think the massive Heaton plant is still there under Siemens ownership - but they don't 'make stuff' any more (more of a servicing depot I think), they only employ a few hundred rather than the 10,000 or so on the payroll there in the 60's, with production being moved overseas (with much of the plant equipment).

My late old man (a Geordie marine engineer who served some of his time there and in Wallsend before the war) would have been turning in his grave had he known that a German company had taken over an institution such as Parsons - he wasn't a great fan of Adolf & Co!
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