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Old 5th May 2017, 10:55
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on bridge with Red-17.

Right Red-17 this control panel here is for sailing, see the mast up forard? it telescopic and extends to about 70 feet. we can rig and trim sail right from here.
This panel controls the hydrafoils which will lift the ship so only the props are in the water.
This one controls our towing winch.
This one we use when we want to submerge. we sound the alarm seal ship and dive all from this panel. Over there is our navigational charts. Through that door is the Radio shack. you only go in there to request a link call or to get something electrical repaired, like your electic toothbrush for instance....and please knock first or Varley will be upset.
and here across the front we have all the navigational equipment. Talegraphs, bridge control units, radars, auto pilot, GPS unit,Dps and of course the wheel for manual steering. everything is automated and alarmed and we have remote controls that we can use to control or adjust things from down below. Thats the bridge in general Red-17. (we can also open outer doors and fire a torpedo forward and one aft). Maybe Tmac will show you the engine room control boothe (soundproof) later if you ask him. I hope that helps you to understand how the ship works. for me to explain anything in more detail you would have to sign the official secrets act.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge". A. Einstein.
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