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Old 3rd April 2020, 21:59
Makko Mexico Makko is offline
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Location: Mexico City, Mexico
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Originally Posted by Dave McGouldrick View Post
Sorry - it was meant to be a bit sardonic.
Sorry Dave! Humour failure on my part!!! Mexican joke:

In the Colisseum, they bring up three PoWs before Caesar, an American, an Englishman and a Mexican. They asked if they should just be thrown into the arena to fight gladiators or wild animals.

Caesar thought a bit and answered,"No, let us whip them, tied to a post to see who is the toughest. He shall go free!"

A post was set up and the American tied to it. A huge ex-oar master from a trireme came out with a whip and began to beat the American. The crowd chanted with each lash to please Caesar. "......8.........9...", Just then, the American screamed out, pleading for his mother and begging for mercy. He was cut down and dragged out of the arena.

Next up was the Englishman. Having witnessed the speactacle, he was rather nervous but, with a stiff upper lip and rule Brittania attitude, he was tied to the post.

Again the crowd counted the lashings, "...9.....10.....11". when they passed twenty, the crowd gasped, yet the Englishman continued to endure his ordealthrough tightly gritted teeth. "27....28...29..". Just then, the Englishman let out a blood curdling scream, begging for mercy! He was cut down and dragged out the arena. The crowd mumbled, admiring the resistance of the Englishman.

Then came the turn of the Mexican. The crowd gasped as he was led out. He was very short, wiry and bronzed. In the crowd, there was much head shaking and people began to claim that their bets were won.

The Mexican was tied to the post and the whipping began. People were surprised when they went past 20 strokes, then thirty, then forty! Finally at a count of fifty, the ex-oar master, sweating profusely and rubbing his arm muscles, asked permission to address Caesar:
"Sire, I am through! This man has proved his toughness. He has withstood more than a dozen Imperial Guards could have between them. I beseech you to free him!"

Caesar put on his Laurel leaf crown, stoos, adjusted his toga and, raising his right thumb spoke,"I agree, let this man free!!".

Just then, there were murmurings amongst the considerable number of Mexicans in the crowd and a Wave started, slowly and then gathering speed, circling the colisseum! Then, a chant began, quietly at first but gathering strength:

"A-la beow, a-la bow, a-la bim bom bam! The Deaf Mute, THE DEAF MUTE, RAH, RAH, RAH!!"
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