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Old 16th June 2020, 07:13
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Dartskipper United Kingdom Dartskipper is offline
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Location: Paignton. Devon.
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Thanks Dave, it was a project that I started a long time ago. This lockdown period was a good opportunity to finish it !

Yes, those doors. There was one on each side of the cockpit, but they proved to be a problem and would sometimes open in flight. In service the port hand door was sealed up. Eventually, a full sliding bubble hood replaced them. The Typhoon always seemed to be "work in progress" during its career. There were several faults that had to be cured before it became a very effective ground attack machine. The major fault was the breaking away of the rear fuselage complete with fin and tailplane. A quick fix was a real bodge by riveting fishplates around the seam where this assembly joined the fuselage. Eventually it was found to be a problem with an internal counter balance, so this was adjusted along with fitting a larger tailplane assembly that was designed for the Tempest. There were also problems with the early Napier Sabre engines which caused availability issues, but even these were overcome. The basic design of the Typhoon evolved through the Tempest and finished as the Sea Fury that saw action in Korea.

I'm looking through my stash to see what I can throw together next.

Happy modelling!

"You do not ask a tame seagull why it needs to disappear from time to time towards the open sea. It goes. That's all." Bernard Moitessier.
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