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Old 22nd August 2020, 18:20
jan botter Djibouti jan botter is offline
Join Date: Aug 2020
Location: Dyibuti
Posts: 2
Thank you dear sailors,
Your welcome goes to my heart and I am happy to be able to exchange ideas with you.
If I make mistakes, please let me know immediately. I can always apologize and correct myself. I am so happy to find such great pictures from our time at sea together and also the many photographs of the shots taken ashore, without which seafaring could not have been documented at all. On this occasion I would like to draw special attention to Malcolm Cranfield and thank him on behalf of many people for selflessly making his wonderful historical photographs available to us all free of charge. I bring you some more surprise pictures. All from my active time and also from dear other sailors who have given me permission to publish their pictures for our pleasure.
Thanks and best wishes
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