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Old 24th September 2020, 19:26
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I have done a little research on this.

The Chef's uniform that is now known worldwide started in France in the early 19th century.
The accepted dress is;
Toque (chef's hat) to cover the hair.
White double breasted jacket to reflect heat.
Hounds-tooth check trousers to disguise spills and stains
Apron which is usually tied at the waist as extra protection.

The man who is attributed with its design was a French Chef, Marie-Antoine Carême, who was an early exponent of what later became Haute Cuisine. He cooked for Napoleon and other notables.

The idea of a kitchen uniform was carried on and exported to Britain by Escoffier. At the same time the French term 'Chef de Cuisine' (Chief cook) entered the English language as 'Chef'.
The Mad Landsman
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