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Old 7th October 2020, 11:10
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Varley Isle of Man Varley is offline
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Perhaps why the 'aperitif de pays' is un petit pastis de Ricard. Mind you it is a place full of French people so even the teetotal have strange experiences. When still age-barred from normal beverages Ma never let us drink anything but Evian and had the chambermaids (again when age-barred from detailing them otherwise) douse the rooms with 'flit' before we went up the petite colline de bois.

I will have to see if the ladies of enemy occupied Hibernia can emulate your soup with beef bones. In the days when the butcher delivered the bones with the joint I did try several times to make something appetising in the way of soup, but entirely without success.

Ham stock is the only thing I bother with now and have a decent pea and ham on the go now (I am waiting to hear if it meets with Hibernian approval, the gammon which was its making certainly did - entirely baked, with roast-a-bag instead of boiling).

(Turkey the same as beef. Ma could turn out a decent soup after Christmas had wrung all else out of the bird but my attempts were woeful so I no longer bother. My curry of Yule, however, is very fine indeed and lasts until well in to January).
David V
Lord Finchley tried to mend the electric light
Himself. It struck him dead and serve him right
It is the duty of the wealthy man
To give employment to the artisan
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