Thread: Indian woes!
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Old 9th May 2021, 14:11
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Dartskipper United Kingdom Dartskipper is offline
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Hi Phil,

I renewed my contract for my home WiFi last week. The lady who dealt with it all and set up my new contract was clearly of Asian origin but spoke excellent English. She apologised for her noisy children in the background as she was working from home. In India. So we had a brief discussion about Covid as well as sorting out a new contract, and she sounded very cheerful and we had quite a few moments of hilarity and she sounded fairly untroubled. Her husband was also at home working in another room, so they had a house full of activity. She seemed confident that they would be ok, and their Government would overcome the current situation. I wished her and her family well.

I hope they come through this unscathed.


"You do not ask a tame seagull why it needs to disappear from time to time towards the open sea. It goes. That's all." Bernard Moitessier.
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