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Old 12th May 2021, 11:59
YM-Mundrabilla's Avatar
YM-Mundrabilla Australia YM-Mundrabilla is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Mundrabilla (haha), Melbourne really but I'd rather be in Narvik
Posts: 799
Of great concern in this regard was something that I witnessed today 12/5 whilst out on my bike in search of shipping to photograph. It was a bright sunny, if cool (18°C), Autumn day in Melbourne.

There was not a ship, boat, barge or other floating object to be seen but I enjoyed the 40 odd km ride.

What I did see was what might be the launch of the replacement GD into the Moonee Ponds Creek. Naturally said vessel was unmanned / unpersoned / unwomanned which made me think of the GD and its present predicament.

The launched thing was about a metre square and bristled with cameras, drones, thrusters, aerials and all manner of flashing light thingys. It was sailing in circles controlled by somebody on the bank playing with his joystick. It wasn't ES but I might have been a cutout. It was much too hi-tech for me as a old stoker.

I hope that this is not the way of the future for the GD as being aboard has been much more fun that dealing with the dickheads and children that infest a couple of rail sites that I throw the occasional grenade into.
If Global Warming is so prevalent why are there so many snowflakes around?

Media Weather Report:
'Today is the hottest/coldest day since yesterday.'

Last edited by YM-Mundrabilla; 12th May 2021 at 12:02.
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