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Old 12th September 2021, 19:58
Makko Mexico Makko is online now
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Posts: 954

I had to make an inspection at Petacalco Power Station. It was the period of the "annual" strike by neighbours for their (contamination) compensation - Poppycock! CFE pays for every mango and banana tree a "sum", so people have myriad of such on their porches, spare space, as well as the active plantations. But I digress.......

Access was only by Helicopter - There were two. The "Big" eurocopter and the "Little" Bell. I opted for the "Big" whirly bird, although I was a little concerned that the safety belts were all twisted and inoperative, Anyway, I "sort of" strapped myself in. Flights were ok. I was non-plussed but excited at the same time.

Then, on the last day, senior management invited me to fly in the "Little" bird. During the flight, the 'copter suddenly lurched down, losing altitude. I very nearly lost my breakfast! I vowed never to fly in one again.

Fast forward, 2016, Guatemala. Senior Italian management present for a physical inspection of a hydro power plant, following a huricane. It was decided to fly-in, not nine hours in a 4x4 for bosses. I was very apprehensive. There were two, rather good looking helicopters and I was in the back of the first off. Good flight. The Italian boss had insisted that he fly up front as co-pilot.

Two days later, when it was time to go back, we were awaiting the birds on the edge of a football field. Only one, because some personnel were staying on.

The Italian boss man vehemently declined to fly as "co-pilot", telling me that he had almost stained his underwear on the way in. In order to quell my fear, I voluneered to go up front and it was breathtaking!

One minute, you would be flying over a mountain range at, what seemed, very low altitude. Then, once you were clear of the peak, suddenly you seemed to be thousands of metres up! It was actually enjoyable.

However, I DO NOT want to have to do it again!

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