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Old 28th September 2021, 13:27
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Finkenwerder England Finkenwerder is offline
Join Date: Mar 2021
Location: Hampshire
Posts: 44
Most Unusual Shore Leave

Most unusual shore trip I did was when a cadet in Ben Line. We were anchored off Port Suez (Benvannoch the 1940s one) waiting for a north bound convoy in 1966. When the time came to weigh and proceed there were problems in the engine room. I can't remember what exactly broke but since it was going to take some time to get spares etc. the Master decided to fix up with the agent for a shore trip for the 12 passengers to see Cairo and the usual tourist sights. Being dead cheeky I went up to his cabin and requested that I be allowed to go as well. After a brief pause while he got over the shock of such audacity from a very low form of marine life he announced that yes I could go provided I gave him a valid reason why I should. I can't remember all the details but broadly I said that it was a unique opportunity for a deck cadet, that it would enhance my knowledge of Egypt and widen my understanding of the Pharaohs and ancient Egypt.

He said he'd never heard so much shite in all his life but he let me go anyway. It was a great experience - racing across the desert in an early version of a people-carrier, visiting the great pyramid where Khufu was buried and the Sphinx. We were supposed to visit one of Cairo's many mosques but for a reason I can't remember we didn't. We did go to an Egyptian restaurant and the driver took us on a tour around part of the city, then we headed back. A couple of days later we headed north.

Great experience for me but not much fun for the engineers.
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