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Old 1st March 2022, 17:26
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Tmac1720 Northern Ireland Tmac1720 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Newtownabbey
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T'was on the good ship Dreamer
dwelt an injun room schemer
he had such devious plans afoot
about how he could obtain bags of loot
Alas for him and his devious plan
the Chief he was a clever man
the schemers plans they came to naught
as by the goolies he was caught
and now he schemes and plans no more
he's locked behind the injun room door
a sad tale of woe he does relate
about how his danglers got in such a state
times are hard and things get very rough
when you try to fool an injuneer from Harland and Bluff.

Tank yew I'm here all week
Oul scabby knuckles

If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried

Anything God didn't create was made by engineers.

I try so hard to make things idiot proof but they keep making better idiots
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