Thread: Photoship
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Old 23rd January 2023, 22:59
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YM-Mundrabilla Australia YM-Mundrabilla is offline
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Originally Posted by jmilcon View Post
G'day Geoff
In October last year Threebs posted a photograph of two Manchester Liners ships moored in No. 9 dock Manchester. Threebs attributed the photo to Manchester Docks Archives.
I was doing a Google search yesterday and the "same" photograph came up but had a Getty Images watermark blazened across the image.
It would seem that anything the goes out on social media or the web in general is classified as Public Domain and get's appropriated accordingly.
As happened in Melbourne and elsewhere in 2021, when the protesting anti-vaxxers were flying the Red Duster - albeit upside - but maybe they were in distress!
Hi John,

I came across another of my 1960s photos a while ago of Flavia at Port Melbourne on an English website whose name I no longer remember.

I think that the site was something to do with Liverpool but not sure. I could probably do an internet search for other copies of the photo ... if I knew how, of course!

I was intrigued at the time as to where they lifted the pic from. It was probably from the old SN but via who knows?

As I said above, I am happy to share my photos with anyone who is interested but it is the 'intermediaries' who traffic photos as their own that annoy me.

The Red Duster, like so many decent and respected things, seems to have been hijacked by various elements of society for their own ends. I wonder if they have any idea of the associated history, background and sacrifice behind it? I suspect not and that they are simply attracted to the red background colour as a perceived insult to the blue National flag.

If Global Warming is so prevalent why are there so many snowflakes around?

Media Weather Report:
'Today is the hottest/coldest day since yesterday.'
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