Thread: PC on a Go Slow
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Old 23rd June 2023, 03:21
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YM-Mundrabilla Australia YM-Mundrabilla is offline
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Thanks Comrades Malcolm and Dave.

I have already considered upgrading from pedal power for the PC along with the wireless and TV to a coal fired TE up and down driven generator. Like so many of the things that I consider nothing eventuates which is probably for the better.

Overall there is little doubt that you are both right - the PC clearly needs a bigger and higher pressure boiler.

I am considering an electric bike to power the pedal generator whilst continuing my work on perpetual motion and it seems that a Babbage might be the answer in the meantime.

The existence of Babbage and his machines is one thing that I have learnt form this escapade.

If Global Warming is so prevalent why are there so many snowflakes around?

Media Weather Report:
'Today is the hottest/coldest day since yesterday.'
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