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Old 26th September 2023, 19:36
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Rabbits. Unlucky or not?

Portland Bunnies
A picture of rabbit pelts being dried and comments inspires this.
I thought to put this in the Forum rather then losing it in the Gallery.

Over the years the use of the word ‘Rabbits’ has acquired a superstitious connection.

It all started on Portland. On the island, historically the main occupations have been fishing and quarrying but it is quarrying Portland stone that is the origin.

Portland stone is a sedimentary limestone, the lower levels being particularly hard and white, known as Whitbed. Above that it becomes progressively more open in texture with visible fossils these are known as Roach beds. Obviously the Whitbed is more desirable and commands higher prices.
When quarrying, the first task is to remove the soil and top hamper – That is where the Rabbits live. Then one is supposed to work down through the roach until the best Whitbed is available. They are left with a quarry face where they can see the best stone, but it needs a lot of work removing the less commercial stone first.
So, what did they do? They undercut the stone to remove the best bits and let the roach fall, to be cut as required later. The problem with this was that the falling stone was dangerous and unpredictable. A sign that stone might be about to give was that the rabbits in the top soil felt the movement and ran out. They were more frightened of that than they were of men. The cry would go up: “Rabbits!” (although they probably said ‘Conies’ back then), the men would all pack up and go home until the danger of a fall was over. That is the part which was unlucky – They lost a days pay and any piece work for the stone.

It became that on Portland anyone should avoid using the word ‘rabbits’ - It was accepted as being ‘unlucky’.
As I said the other main occupation was fishing. The men working the fishing boats, being Portlanders, insisted that others should refrain from using the word. Seafaring has many superstitions and most other fishermen that the Portland men met would just take it on board without question. And thus it spread. Fishermen went to other boats and ships and passed it on.

On Portland one is still allowed to use the word Conie, (or coney), or little furry things or underground mutton etc. but never rabbits.
The Mad Landsman
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