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Old 14th July 2017, 06:10
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Originally Posted by Tom Alexander View Post
Actually it was Singapore to Phuket -- but not let us pick the fly poop out of the pepper. Or more exactly as per the ancient maritime communications, originally concerning Lykes Lines in the US. and which is now more universal:

Haji Laka Mauda and Haji Chadder Moad,

Hera Pheri Trading Co.
235,Sharea e Faisal

We refer you to our Agreement for Two parcels auf 5000 Tonne each auf Rice vich you haf sent Two Times by 25 Kontainers each time unter Bill Auf Lading No. HPTC-GuRHm GmbH 003/2010 und Bill Auf Lading No. HPTC-GuRHm GmbH 004/2010

Deez two shipments auf rice ve got from you vas mitt mice schidt mixt. Der rice vas gut enuff, but der mice durds schpoils der trade. Vee did not see der mice schidt in der samples vich you sent us.

We hav checked mitt our trading department and dey konfirm dat in der agreement to import rice from ur kompani if it is agreed to send rice mitt mice shidt mixt but dey are not finding any mention of Mice shcidt must to be mixt mitt der rice

It takes too much time to remuf der mice durds out from der rice. Vee order kleen rice and you schipt mice schidt mixt mitt der rice.

Vee like you to schip us der rice in vun sack und der mice schidt in annoder sak, and den vee mix to soot der kustomer.

Pleaz to understand ve haf had to clean der rice to remuf dor mice schidt for vich we have to employ German cleaning mans and German cleaning vomans vich pepuls be very costly. Vee now have all der rice in vun grup of bags and all der mice schidt in odder grup of bags

Pleaz wride, if ve shud schip back der mice schidt und keep der rice vich we have asked und paid fur or to keep der mice schidt vich we hav not asked fur und schip back der rice vich ve haf paid fur, or schip back der hold schitten verks.

Pleaz note dat we have sent der mice schidt vich was mixt mitt der rice to Der Labor für Güteprüfung in Hamburg who Konfirm dat dis mice schidt in der rice contains kurry vich meanz dat dis mice schidt is from Pakistan Mices and not German Mices.

Ve vant to do ridt in dis matter budt ve do no like dis mice schidt business.

Hans Grubber Von Schlong-Zwei Nuttenberg
Getreide und Reis Handel Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
22765 Hamburg

Copy : ------- und -------- Gmbh, Hamburg

Copy : ------- Grain Brokers Ltd., London

Copy : ----Association, London

"Imagination is more important than knowledge". A. Einstein.
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