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Old 12th August 2017, 16:48
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Farmer John Farmer John is offline
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Originally Posted by billyboy View Post
Tom, I have the cut outs creeping around on tip toe sneaking our lines in. we can slip away during the cover of darkness on the electric motors till we cross the harbour bar.
In the meantime I have discovered a rather old bottle which I believe is Rum. from a shipwreck. you might like to join me for a snifter or three. Been in my under bunk locker for a few years.
Sir William, anything that has been under your bunk for years should surely be treated with caution, and very carefully identified before you even lay a finger on the cork. Any labels should be carefully checked, the clarity estimated even if it is in a coloured bottle and then the cork eased out by mechanical manipulators from behind a blast proof screen. I suggest introducing a canary or midshipman or some other valueless beast into the vicinity of the bottle to see if any fumes are dangerous, then a cautious sniff if things seem fine. A test with anything you can lay your hands on (Litmus paper, pH meter, smoke detector) could be applied as a precaution...................

Oh, you and Tom have drunk it. I have a number for the poisons line.
Buvez toujours, mourrez jamais.
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