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Old 23rd September 2017, 12:42
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Varley Isle of Man Varley is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Isle of Man, G.B.
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#1 for update. At least the right direction for both lard and BP. We do make a hullabaloo about a dog bite these days as the tale (tail?) below reveals.

Not all carveries are safe. Said hello to woofer dog at hostelry last Sunday. Woofer dog didn’t appreciate it despite having been pleased with fellow luncher's advances. Large hole bitten in the back of my hand. OK until Monday night when started to hurt.

I had arranged for visitors at 1300, not knowing that it would be 1500 before I had finished with:

Only doctor available Friday. Appointment made. What to do interim? Obvious, get anti-tetanus jab. ‘phoned Boots. Yes they can.

Boots. But now Tetanus jab refused (not allowed to do them in case of dog bite) however pleased to give me one for ‘flu and ‘phone surgery for urgent appointment.

Up to surgery.

Have pint at nearest hostelry (houseguest driving me becomes less grumpy).
See nurse (now 1430) . Scruba-dub-dub. Dressing. Anti-tetanus jab. Anti-pneumonia jab. 5 days’ Prescription for small nuclear-torpedo shaped prophylactic antibiotics. Tutorial on how to watch for blood poisoning.

Change doctor’s appointment (another look at unhealing eczema)

Back to house (houseguest returning to grumpy)

One guest already on the lawn for an hour.

Played two six balls of croquet. Lost both to guest (who is international player so not surprising. Houseguest now fully grumpy again).

Fun, what?
David V
Lord Finchley tried to mend the electric light
Himself. It struck him dead and serve him right
It is the duty of the wealthy man
To give employment to the artisan
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