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Old 10th October 2017, 09:17
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Originally Posted by Tom Alexander View Post
Reminds me of the newly formed African nation where the president invited an English reporter to confirm that he had modeled his new country after the English system. All this done, simply from newspaper reports that he had read.

After inviting the reporter to the National parliament, the National defense locations, the hospitals and sports arenas, the reporter duly noted that all the systems in place were modeled exactly on the English way of doing things.

The final part of the tour was to a local court proceding. All the official participants were clothed in the proper wigs and gowns, the court reporter was in place so the trial at hand could proceed. Everything was exactly after the English system except that every once in awhile a door at the side opened and a man ran through the spectator gallery grabbing randomly selected women by the breasts.

At the conclusion, the president asked the reporter what he thought of the accomplishments by following news articles in the British press.

The reporter confided that everything, indeed, was exactly as represented in the press, except for the man in the court grabbing wimen by the breasts.

The president replied by producing a newspaper article where it described a particular case where it was definitely reported that from time to time a titter ran through the crowd.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge". A. Einstein.
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