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Old 4th December 2017, 22:13
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Dartskipper United Kingdom Dartskipper is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Paignton. Devon.
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Everybody is waiting for the after effects of the party to wear off, and we have slipped our moorings and proceeding in silent running mode, so that nobody will be disturbed. Would Mr McC be so kind as to stand watch on the bridge until the naviguessers and iron mike watchers recover enough to take over? There are a lot of buttons and switches on the control console that are unlabelled, all installed to meet the requirements of Tmac's various modifications to our machinery. Some of them have been there so long that their function is long forgotten, so it is probably wise not to press any of them. The one to steer well clear of is that big red one over there. Don't under any circumstances touch it without Tmac's permission. It has rather strange results, including making the scenery go much faster.
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