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Old 9th March 2022, 22:51
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YM-Mundrabilla Australia YM-Mundrabilla is offline
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Originally Posted by Engine Serang View Post
No one is going ashore until the Black Gang fixes the "Problems".
Are RAN Boards or Courts of Inquiry public affairs and are the findings published?
I doubt it. Nothing is ever published if it will embarrass the government or the instrumentality. 'Security', you know. We do not want to confirm what the Chinese already know.

800 people died in nursing homes here in Victoria because the government used rent-a-crowd security when Covid first arrived. There was an ineffectual Royal Commission that found out nothing because no-one from the government or the bureaucracy 'could remember' anything.

Any reports on rail incidents (rail is my field) take years, rarely blame anyone and usually conclude that there was some 'legal technicality' in instructions or training. They are so bland these days that 'he' or 'she' is banned and the term 'they' is used to describe a singular person. Probably in case one was a female.

Individual common sense and/or experience never get a mention. I am sure Sir Humphrey still writes these reports.
If Global Warming is so prevalent why are there so many snowflakes around?

Media Weather Report:
Today is the hottest/coldest day since yesterday.'
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