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billyboy 18th March 2018 23:56

come on Stewards, you hears the man. Off down the gangway and fetch his gear aboard and stow it in the 2nds cabin on the double.

Tanoy: attention all crew. Drinks in the crew bar on me to celebrate the return of our 2nd injunier.

Tom Alexander 19th March 2018 05:08

Welcome back Engine Serang -- see you in the crew bar -- On Sir William's tab, Eh? Triple Cuba Libre for me please, steward. :pint:

Tom Alexander 19th March 2018 05:13

Glad to see our "burlap" was conveniently smuggled ashore wrapped up in canvas to simulate drunken drew members. Hiking party with large back packs deposited their contents in Sir Williams private vault in return for the "burlap". Proceeds of that little escapade should keep us in the finer things in life for the next 6 months at least. :wink:

Tom Alexander 19th March 2018 05:15

Thinking that we might head for somewhere a little bit warmer -- like Nassau?? unless anyone really objects??

billyboy 19th March 2018 06:31

warmer or exotic climes are fine by me Tom. Go for it.

McCloggie 19th March 2018 06:36

Sounds good to me!


Engine Serang 19th March 2018 07:48

Must check if I have a pair of clean Bermuda Shorts.
Any Ladies travelling this trip???

billyboy 19th March 2018 08:34

Make sure the legs are long enough to hid it this time. scared ladies away last time you wore shorts. some of the ladies are not happy to see the wedding tackle of that size.

Engine Serang 19th March 2018 09:10

Never phased an Aussie Nurse. But genetically they have very small hands.

Dartskipper 19th March 2018 20:33

Yep, Nassau will do nicely. We must organise an evening's entertainment at the casinos on Paradise Island.

Good to have another pair of experienced hands joining us. See you in the bar later Engine Serang. (Sir William and I are OK with Screaming Jimmies and Gardners and such, but TMac's advanced mechanical wonders need some special care and attention!)

Tom Alexander 20th March 2018 07:19


Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 12743)
Never phased an Aussie Nurse. But genetically they have very small hands.

BEWARE I believe that Red-17 is an Australian nurse. I have, however, found that dainty hands can achieve mighty things. :egg:

Tom Alexander 20th March 2018 07:23


Originally Posted by Dartskipper (Post 12762)
Yep, Nassau will do nicely. We must organise an evening's entertainment at the casinos on Paradise Island.

Good to have another pair of experienced hands joining us. See you in the bar later Engine Serang. (Sir William and I are OK with Screaming Jimmies and Gardners and such, but TMac's advanced mechanical wonders need some special care and attention!)

Affirmative, Dartskipper -- Make arrangements for morning departure bound for the Bahamas.

Voyage preparatory planning party in the PAX lounge. My shout. :pint:

McCloggie 20th March 2018 08:27

On my way now!

Although Red may have dainty hands she also has a tranquilising gun so be afraid. Be very afraid!


billyboy 20th March 2018 08:37

Eh?..Pyjamas? ....Oh Bahamas. you can count me in on that Tom.

PAX lounge you say?...very good right close to my suite.

Engine Serang 20th March 2018 09:02

Is the deck carpeted?

billyboy 20th March 2018 11:22

Must be one somewhere. I overheard Tom saying " If we dont behave we will be on the Carpet"

Engine Serang 20th March 2018 14:38

I'm like Billy Connolly, I've slept on so many carpets I can tell Axminister from Wilton by taste.

Anyway we must have an RPC to bond together again but no vermin from the engine room bilges. Standards will be upheld as long as I am the Do Sahib.

Tmac1720 20th March 2018 15:27


Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 12739)
Must check if I have a pair of clean Bermuda Shorts.

You'll be lucky, I used the last decent pair of your Bermuda shorts to clean the lubrication quills with. :smoking:

Ah hem just a small point to note..... the rodents in the bilges outrank you in particular as you have been AWOL for months :quill: just sayin' like as I is da boss doon da pit.:yawn:

Engine Serang 20th March 2018 16:57

Muchos Salaams Tmac, I knows my place in the pecking order doon the pit. Chief, Beatrice Potter and then me. But if they run up the inside leg of ma biler suit then its fricasse for tea. Control them, we don't need another BOT Inquiry like the one with that chit of an Aussie nurse. Do we?
Can we talk it over with a wee nightcap after night rounds?

Dartskipper 20th March 2018 21:04


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 12773)
Affirmative, Dartskipper -- Make arrangements for morning departure bound for the Bahamas.

Voyage preparatory planning party in the PAX lounge. My shout. :pint:

McC assures me that his gang of cutthroats, sorry, cutouts, will have everything singled up before sun up. Main engines will be warmed through ready for our customary stealthy high speed departure before the shore gang have turned to.

On my way up to the PAX.

Make mine a big one.

Oh, it all ready is.

billyboy 20th March 2018 23:55


Originally Posted by Dartskipper (Post 12812)
McC assures me that his gang of cutthroats, sorry, cutouts, will have everything singled up before sun up. Main engines will be warmed through ready for our customary stealthy high speed departure before the shore gang have turned to.

On my way up to the PAX.

Make mine a big one.

Oh, it all ready is.

so I have heard....LOL

McCloggie 21st March 2018 12:37

Cutthroats? CUTTRHOATS???

I will have you know DS that my team is a highly trained, highly skilled multi-disciplined task force who are there to assist the GD and help ensure the smooth running of the vessel.

Gangway security, sail handling, fore and aft mooring parties, fishing crew - the list goes on and on!

Why only recently my team managed to successfully ensure that a New York Taxi that somehow ended up in the dock ahead of us will never be traced to our organisation and managed to stop a crowd of angry Septics demanding the return of a stainless steel pole!

As a bunch of cut-outs I really believe you could not find a better crowd!

I am sure that at some future port of call, YOU may be dependent on my team to extricate you from some dubious situation. Now I do not mind - that, along general security, is part of the Master at Arms' role and my team are there to support you all.

Large Scapa please Steward!


Tmac1720 21st March 2018 15:46


Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 12799)
Can we talk it over with a wee nightcap after night rounds?

Certainly mon brave, us brothers of the spanner need to stick together especially around those deckie type cut throats :big_tongue:

I shall wear my Chief Injuneers nightcap in honour of the occasion. it's the one with the blue stripe round the edge and the big woolly knob on the top. :king:

Engine Serang 21st March 2018 17:34

Yes MrT, it's not much fun beavering away, pardon the pun, down here just to keep the air-con blowing in the PAX.

Farmer John 21st March 2018 17:37


Originally Posted by McCloggie (Post 12833)
I will have you know DS that my team is a highly trained, highly skilled multi-disciplined task force who are there to assist the GD and help ensure the smooth running of the vessel.

They are a grand bunch of people, if the occasion demanded I am sure that problems and possibly people would disappear.

How crude to call them Cut-throats when Gentlemen of the Night is available as a description.

I note that they all wear jersey's with a double 00 inscription.

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