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Tom Alexander 22nd March 2018 06:28


Originally Posted by Farmer John (Post 12845)
They are a grand bunch of people, if the occasion demanded I am sure that problems and possibly people would disappear.

How crude to call them Cut-throats when Gentlemen of the Night is available as a description.

I note that they all wear jersey's with a double 00 inscription.

As in "Thunderballs"? :wave:

Tom Alexander 22nd March 2018 06:32

Engine Serang -- Just in case you would like a breath of fresh air, the anchor windlass has a slight drip from the gasket around the gear case. When it's fixed we can get Mr. McCloggie to have the cutouts chip, scrape and paint it with particular attention to polishing the manufacturer's brass name plate. :yawn:

Engine Serang 22nd March 2018 08:12

The anchor windlass, or capstan as we call it, has a big drip behind it. Billyboy.
Get a cutout to nip the gland up. I've got better and bigger things to polish.

billyboy 22nd March 2018 11:13

Roger that Serang. Cut out number 6. Up forrard and fix the leak on the windlass. the i want it painted.

Tmac1720 22nd March 2018 17:16

"gentlemen of the night" indeed, I always suspected there was "something" of the night about yon crowd...:rolleyes:

Actually if you had bothered to consult the injuneering department we would have advised you that "drip" is where Squeek has located his head (as in toilet for you non maritime types) and the "drip" is anything but however is a different sort of leak altogether :quill:

Tmac1720 22nd March 2018 17:18

Engine Serang... now do you appreciate the sort of heathens we have to cope with? Bring your mug the Black Bush fountain is due for re-commissioning. :big_tongue:

Engine Serang 22nd March 2018 18:40

The foc'sle in danger of becoming a hazmat area, snap-back is the least of the rope draggers problems. Anyway I'm on my way to the fountain of youth with my trusty billycan. Hic.

billyboy 22nd March 2018 21:59

See how efficient our injun department is readers.

Steward! a bottle of the vintage black bush to the engine room please.
Deck technicians may repair to the crew bar for nightcaps on me.

Tom Alexander 23rd March 2018 04:34


Originally Posted by Tmac1720 (Post 12876)
"gentlemen of the night" indeed, I always suspected there was "something" of the night about yon crowd...:rolleyes:

Actually if you had bothered to consult the injuneering department we would have advised you that "drip" is where Squeek has located his head (as in toilet for you non maritime types) and the "drip" is anything but however is a different sort of leak altogether :quill:

Well, well, well!! a rodent that passes 90 weight gear oil as "P". We should be able to find a lucrative market for that kind of renewable resource. :bounce:

billyboy 23rd March 2018 10:14

8 watches to the gallon too!

McCloggie 23rd March 2018 13:37

So is this an engineering problem or do the cut outs still have to perform Captain of the Heads duties?


Farmer John 23rd March 2018 16:39


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 12904)
Well, well, well!! a rodent that passes 90 weight gear oil as "P". We should be able to find a lucrative market for that kind of renewable resource. :bounce:

You have to factor in what has to be inputted to get the output. Packaging, Clarification, Analysis and Marketing will take large slice of the sale price, and we would need a herd of about 100, the housing, the care, the collection and Vet's fees, we would be making a loss.

Tom Alexander 24th March 2018 05:11


Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 12861)
The anchor windlass, or capstan as we call it, has a big drip behind it. Billyboy.
Get a cutout to nip the gland up. I've got better and bigger things to polish.

I have held my peace on this one, but I am wondering what kind of certificate this Mr./Mrs./Ms. Serang has? On the fo'c'stle of the GD we have a WINDLASS, identified by its horizontal arrangment of warping drums (2), and chain gypsies (also 2)

A CAPSTAN however is on a verticle arrangment of one warping drum, and only sometimes a single gypsy.

While we are at it, perhaps you would be so kind as to make sure the band brake is fully funtional, not like in:

billyboy 24th March 2018 05:59


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 12931)
I have held my peace on this one, but I am wondering what kind of certificate this Mr./Mrs./Ms. Serang has? On the fo'c'stle of the GD we have a WINDLASS, identified by its horizontal arrangment of warping drums (2), and chain gypsies (also 2)

A CAPSTAN however is on a verticle arrangment of one warping drum, and only sometimes a single gypsy.

While we are at it, perhaps you would be so kind as to make sure the band brake is fully funtional, not like in:

I watched that right to the bitter end!...LOL

Engine Serang 24th March 2018 07:22

Tom I think you may have been hit on the head with a capstan bar, in a bar.
In South Australia I was born (To me) heave away, haul away. In South Australia round Cape Horn We're bound for South Australia.

If you admonish me or the Memsahib in public you may be hit once again with your favorite capstan bar. Horizontal indeed.

billyboy 24th March 2018 10:23

threaten him with "Capstan Full Strength" That will make him cough and splutter heh heh

Dartskipper 24th March 2018 13:49


Originally Posted by McCloggie (Post 12833)
Cutthroats? CUTTRHOATS???

As a bunch of cut-outs I really believe you could not find a better crowd!

I am sure that at some future port of call, YOU may be dependent on my team to extricate you from some dubious situation. Now I do not mind - that, along general security, is part of the Master at Arms' role and my team are there to support you all.

Large Scapa please Steward!


It was their skill at dealing with situations ashore involving the crew and staff of the GDII that caused me to inadvertently "misname" them Mr Mc C. (Just like a Presidential Candidate who claimed that she had "misspoken" once upon a time.)

Anyway, I try very hard to avoid dubious situations in foreign places of character, exciting though they may be. Drinking in bars with locals wearing eyepatches and hooped shirts, with knives hanging off their belts is a bit like being in an old film about smugglers and pirates. Like those clichés, I avoid them like the plague. :wink:

Dartskipper 24th March 2018 13:54


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 12931)
I have held my peace on this one, but I am wondering what kind of certificate this Mr./Mrs./Ms. Serang has? On the fo'c'stle of the GD we have a WINDLASS, identified by its horizontal arrangment of warping drums (2), and chain gypsies (also 2)

A CAPSTAN however is on a verticle arrangment of one warping drum, and only sometimes a single gypsy.

Windlass, windlass, windlass? Ah yes, didn't he play centre forward for Hull City FC?
He used to wind up the opposition by scoring lots of goals.

Capstan, produced in Bristol, usually deployed in a horizontal manner and then set fire to.

Single Gypsy. I knew one once. Very pretty girl, she was.:big_tongue:

Engine Serang 24th March 2018 19:21

Even the wee rats know a winch on the Forecastle is a capstan and on the arse-end it is a windlass. Now there's a good fellow, no bellyaching.

Dartskipper 24th March 2018 20:17

But do they know about weighing the anchor?

Engine Serang 24th March 2018 20:31

Only if it is a cock a bill. These little squirrely things can be fiendishly cunning. But they can't drink a yard of ale with Jameson chasers.

Dartskipper 24th March 2018 21:04

Give them time.......

billyboy 24th March 2018 22:56

Our Anchors dont need weighing they have 3 ton cast on them already.

Dont let them mess around with our Dry-Baulick towing winch. we went to great trouble to pinch that!

Engine Serang 25th March 2018 08:01

Hello Wheelhouse, ETA for Hamilton. I fancy an heiress. Sweet sherry all round.

Tom Alexander 25th March 2018 08:33


Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 12954)
Hello Wheelhouse, ETA for Hamilton. I fancy an heiress. Sweet sherry all round.

Well, I managed to get just about the whole crew wound up with the windlass/capstan controversy -- so now let's go with the ETA for Hamilton. We now have a request for an ETA for Hamilton, without specifying whether Hamilton, Bermuda, Hamilton, Ontario, Hamilton, South Lanarkshire, or any other possible namesakes. We are not actually planning on going to any of those places, but our ETA for Nassau in the Bahamas (where I understood we had all agreed to go) is 2 days from now. :yawn:

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