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Dartskipper 25th September 2021 11:42

I wonder if they have worked into their calculations the effect of surface tension? After all, in the whole scheme of the Universe, our planet is microscopically small, and so the oceans will in total amount to a mere droplet of fluid.

Engine Serang 25th September 2021 13:38


Originally Posted by Dartskipper (Post 40139)
I wonder if they have worked into their calculations the effect of surface tension? After all, in the whole scheme of the Universe, our planet is microscopically small, and so the oceans will in total amount to a mere droplet of fluid.

"You do not ask a tame seagull why it needs to disappear from time to time towards the open sea. It goes. That's all." Bernard Moitessier.

Skipper, is your mate Bernard Moltessier really Eric Cantona?

Dartskipper 26th September 2021 10:39


Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 40140)
"You do not ask a tame seagull why it needs to disappear from time to time towards the open sea. It goes. That's all." Bernard Moitessier.

Skipper, is your mate Bernard Moltessier really Eric Cantona?

Not sure, possibly a remote second cousin perhaps?

Bernard was an interesting character who entered the first single handed Round the World yacht race in 1969. (That one that Robin Knox - Johnston won.) He enjoyed the solitude so much, that instead of returning to the start/finish line, he went round again. His yacht was a steel hulled, heavily rigged vessel called Joshua.

If he had finished the race, he might have kung - fu drop kicked a spectator for no obvious reason though! :jester:

Varley 26th September 2021 15:36

Has the Gov.UK discovered some form of virtual ullage?

Surely panic buying of road transport fuel, when it is only a short final transport leg that is the cause of the panic, is self limiting and of short duration. Once the tanks are filled once to bursting there will be insufficient ullage in the car population overall to continue at anything other than normal consumption levels.

The only other destination for stocking a greater reserve would be in jerrycans with the accompanying increased danger of domestic fires.

(Virtual ullage would be an maritime safety boon. Fewer bunker or cargo spills - just put on the goggles and continue pumping).

Jolly Jack 27th September 2021 10:17

At the petrol station yesterday, the operator was cursing "The idiots with multiple jerry cans".


Engine Serang 27th September 2021 10:48

I filled 6 Jerrycans this morning and told the attendant it was for my lawnmower.

Malcolm G 27th September 2021 11:24


Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 40147)
I filled 6 Jerrycans this morning and told the attendant it was for my lawnmower.

Which one could read as: The person who mows your lawn could not spare the time to queue in his crew-cab pickup, so you did him a favour. :king:

Varley 27th September 2021 11:54

Let us hope then that the fire brigade have a more constant supply line. I still think such a blip must be of limited duration although the SiL was concerned about timing the journey to her hip renewal scheduled for today for fear of London traffic queuing for juice.

Dartskipper 28th September 2021 08:52


Originally Posted by Varley (Post 40150)
Let us hope then that the fire brigade have a more constant supply line. I still think such a blip must be of limited duration although the SiL was concerned about timing the journey to her hip renewal scheduled for today for fear of London traffic queuing for juice.

I don't know about the Fire Brigade, but when I lived in Bedford I was waiting for an ambulance to take my Dad into A&E after he fell. When the crew finally arrived, they apologised and explained they had to fill up with fuel at Tesco because the previous crew went off shift and left the tank almost empty. Seeing ambulances at Tesco filling stations was a regular event in Bedford.

Malcolm G 23rd October 2021 19:36

1 Attachment(s)
A new fuel tanker arrives on location in Qatar.
The newly appointed American manager tells the Qatari supervisor to ensure that the tanker is clearly labelled:
Diesel Fuel in Arabic and No Smoking in Arabic.

He got exactly what he asked for....

Engine Serang 23rd October 2021 21:50

Rauchen ist Verboten in Arabic.

Varley 24th October 2021 00:52

I think Frau Rauchen would be OK in a Burqua.

BobClay 24th October 2021 12:16

A fuel tanker !!! A fuel tanker !!! (Goes into panic buying mode .... :smoking: :eek: )

Engine Serang 24th October 2021 16:00

How does one say Diesel Fuel in Devon/Cornw/Sset dialect?

Malcolm G 24th October 2021 16:01

Or even in a Black Country accent.....
Although they probably have another word for it anyway.

John Rogers 24th October 2021 17:38


Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 40391)
How does one say Diesel Fuel in Devon/Cornw/Sset dialect?

GO JUICE.:jester::jester:

BobClay 24th October 2021 18:06

Can't do Cornwall but I'd say in Black Country ...doizul. :)

Apple82 26th October 2021 08:18


Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 40391)
How does one say Diesel Fuel in Devon/Cornw/Sset dialect?

How does one say it in Kiynty Diyne?

Engine Serang 26th October 2021 08:45


Originally Posted by Apple82 (Post 40399)
How does one say it in Kiynty Diyne?

Jazus will youse make up yer minds, does youse want the red stuff or not.

Varley 26th October 2021 12:59

In Manx it is Fynoderee. A new and indigenous distillate with Spring, Autumn, Summer and Winter admixtures - depending on how much antifreeze with which it has been premixed.

Proves the old adage. If it walks like diesel, tastes like diesel and smells like diesel it must be diesel, or perhaps lockdown hygienic handwash.

Engine Serang 26th October 2021 15:24

Surely you don't put that stuff in your car or Kawasaki Ninja H2R?

Makko 26th October 2021 18:51

On a tangent - Do you realize that a lot of German WW2 planes were powered by Diesel engines!!!!

John Rogers 26th October 2021 19:23

Yes, and you could hear and tell the difference when they were overhead.

Engine Serang 26th October 2021 21:20

Well I couldn't.

John Rogers 26th October 2021 22:16

During the bombing in WW2 one could tell the difference by the weird sounding droning of the the diesel engine compared to the petrol engine, however the bombs sounded the same as they hit the ground and buildings.

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