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YM-Mundrabilla 5th May 2017 08:57


Originally Posted by Red-17 (Post 2361)
Until I have all the facts about what is going on I shall remain cautious. It is in my nature, that applies to everything! :cool:

Please don't mention KJU's name again, it brings me out in hives. Anybody got any calamine lotion handy? :o

Cautious - what are you doing aboard the GD?
I am sure that someone will have some calamine and may even volunteer to apply it for you. Not me - I have been around long enough to know 'NEVER VOLUNTEER FOR ANYTHING'. I am still training the YMs (who is the nearest thing to a Saint that I will ever know) to do the same.;)

Dartskipper 5th May 2017 09:01


Originally Posted by Red-17 (Post 2361)
Until I have all the facts about what is going on I shall remain cautious. It is in my nature, that applies to everything! :cool:

Please don't mention KJU's name again, it brings me out in hives. Anybody got any calamine lotion handy? :o

I think the Chief Gingerbeer may be able to help with some of his lubricating fluids and vegetable based moisturising concoctions in his domain of mechanical marvels. He should have something that will help with your dermal issues Red-17. If you ask him nicely, he may even offer to help apply them for you.....;)

YM-Mundrabilla 5th May 2017 09:22

Try Bunker C applied with cotton waste for a start, perhaps ..........

Varley 5th May 2017 10:10

I think the 'patient notes' require it to be applied with a lint free rag.

billyboy 5th May 2017 10:55

on bridge with Red-17.

Right Red-17 this control panel here is for sailing, see the mast up forard? it telescopic and extends to about 70 feet. we can rig and trim sail right from here.
This panel controls the hydrafoils which will lift the ship so only the props are in the water.
This one controls our towing winch.
This one we use when we want to submerge. we sound the alarm seal ship and dive all from this panel. Over there is our navigational charts. Through that door is the Radio shack. you only go in there to request a link call or to get something electrical repaired, like your electic toothbrush for instance....and please knock first or Varley will be upset.
and here across the front we have all the navigational equipment. Talegraphs, bridge control units, radars, auto pilot, GPS unit,Dps and of course the wheel for manual steering. everything is automated and alarmed and we have remote controls that we can use to control or adjust things from down below. Thats the bridge in general Red-17. (we can also open outer doors and fire a torpedo forward and one aft). Maybe Tmac will show you the engine room control boothe (soundproof) later if you ask him. I hope that helps you to understand how the ship works. for me to explain anything in more detail you would have to sign the official secrets act.

Farmer John 5th May 2017 13:53

Away, Sir William, don't forget the Cocoa brewing area in the Chart Room, convenient for when we want to spill Cocoa on the charts.

Red-17 5th May 2017 22:53


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 2371)
on bridge with Red-17.

Right Red-17 this control panel here is for sailing, see the mast up forard? it telescopic and extends to about 70 feet. we can rig and trim sail right from here.
This panel controls the hydrafoils which will lift the ship so only the props are in the water.
This one controls our towing winch.
This one we use when we want to submerge. we sound the alarm seal ship and dive all from this panel. Over there is our navigational charts. Through that door is the Radio shack. you only go in there to request a link call or to get something electrical repaired, like your electic toothbrush for instance....and please knock first or Varley will be upset.
and here across the front we have all the navigational equipment. Talegraphs, bridge control units, radars, auto pilot, GPS unit,Dps and of course the wheel for manual steering. everything is automated and alarmed and we have remote controls that we can use to control or adjust things from down below. Thats the bridge in general Red-17. (we can also open outer doors and fire a torpedo forward and one aft). Maybe Tmac will show you the engine room control boothe (soundproof) later if you ask him. I hope that helps you to understand how the ship works. for me to explain anything in more detail you would have to sign the official secrets act.

Thanks for all that information billyboy I will try and remember it all. Just one thing that you didn't explain to me, what are the two LARGE buttons for, one red and one green?

Varley 5th May 2017 23:17

Tranquilo. Were the old tub to be quite that automated I would be alarmed too. Very.

(But do knock, I like to have the glasses out before receiving guests).

billyboy 5th May 2017 23:32


Originally Posted by Red-17 (Post 2417)
Thanks for all that information billyboy I will try and remember it all. Just one thing that you didn't explain to me, what are the two LARGE buttons for, one red and one green?

when needs be we can sound an alarm before hitting the big red button at which time the ship will surge forward reaching speeds of up to XX Knots (classified). However, we can only maintain this speed for 30 minutes befor Tmac starts howling up the voice pipe for more black bush. the green button gives us our maximum economical speed of 25 knots.

PatriciaAnnT 6th May 2017 02:03

Graham the pipe Smith - You'll be needing a uniform. It just so happens that I found a 007 uniform. It would look great on you! It comes complete with a martini glass and shaker. Now, if I may please, we just need a few measurements.

billyboy 6th May 2017 06:22

thank you Pats. you are a good lady bosun. dont know how we could manage without you.
I got quite excited when you measured my inside leg. I get hot flushes just thinking about it.

Tom Alexander 6th May 2017 07:41


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 2423)
thank you Pats. you are a good lady bosun. dont know how we could manage without you.
I got quite excited when you measured my inside leg. I get hot flushes just thinking about it.

Wot's this about "hot flushes"??? Don't tell me that Tmac has got the condenser feed line crossed with the sanitation supply?? Or have Squeek and Ratty mutinied again?? (Tmac would never, never, ever admit to such an egregious error!) :mad:

Tom Alexander 6th May 2017 07:55

Good bus service here on the North Island -- we are patiently waiting in the Munchen: Food hall & Bier Haus -- a very short stagger from our booked berth at Queens Wharf in Wellington. See you laggards soon?? :D

Dartskipper 6th May 2017 09:10

Hands are aft at the moment Tom, watching a Southern Ocean oozalum bird trying to land. It keeps going round and round in circles, and seems to be having a little trouble.
Hang on a minute, the circles are suddenly getting smaller.......oooohhh dear......oooooh nasty,'s disappeared. :confused:

billyboy 6th May 2017 10:25

you sure we are in NZ? Not seen a blue eyed sheep anywhere. The stories I have heard must not be true then!
An Australian gentleman assured me there were some here. Maybe they married off already.

Varley 6th May 2017 10:27

I haven't noticed. I usually don't usually look them face on.

PatriciaAnnT 6th May 2017 18:21


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 2423)
thank you Pats. you are a good lady bosun. dont know how we could manage without you.
I got quite excited when you measured my inside leg. I get hot flushes just thinking about it.

It's important that the crew looks smart in public - even though we may not be smart. Cutouts are always available to clean and press our uniforms.

Red-17 7th May 2017 02:34

Somebody mentioned Tmac? Where is he these days? Never see him, don't hear from him. Was it something I said, or didn't say? :confused::(

Red-17 7th May 2017 02:36


Originally Posted by PatriciaAnnT (Post 2463)
It's important that the crew looks smart in public - even though we may not be smart. Cutouts are always available to clean and press our uniforms.

Patsy, I am more than happy to share your uniform fitting duties with you, seems like you are having all the fun . :(

PatriciaAnnT 7th May 2017 04:30

Golden Dreamer to SSR. Prepare for hack. I've purchased a car with the Titanium card. Now, how do I tell Sir William, Sir. I'll break the news to him as I hand him a drink. What's his favourite drink? I should know this by now.

billyboy 7th May 2017 07:54


Originally Posted by Red-17 (Post 2478)
Somebody mentioned Tmac? Where is he these days? Never see him, don't hear from him. Was it something I said, or didn't say? :confused::(

he will be under the Plates (engine room floor) he has his drawing office down there where he designed most of the secret features on this ship.

Tom Alexander 7th May 2017 08:06


Originally Posted by PatriciaAnnT (Post 2480)
Golden Dreamer to SSR. Prepare for hack. I've purchased a car with the Titanium card. Now, how do I tell Sir William, Sir. I'll break the news to him as I hand him a drink. What's his favourite drink? I should know this by now.

From my experience Pats his favourite drink is anything that has alcohol in it -- and the more the merrier. A triple Pusser's would probably do the trick though. :)

billyboy 7th May 2017 10:09

Billyboy is dreaming ...... wonder if that will be a topless serving

Red-17 7th May 2017 14:29


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 2494)
Billyboy is dreaming ...... wonder if that will be a topless serving

You're right billyboy you're dreaming.

Red-17 7th May 2017 14:47

OK guys, and girls, it is time that we took a step out of the ordinary. Enough of this drinking and running around like headless chickens. It is time for a serious adventure that does not include bars and all the niceties of life.

We are as close to the Antarctic as we are ever going to be. Tmac, would this ship be able to endure the rigours of the Antarctic? If so, why are we not taking the next step to an adventure that has not been done in a long time.

Remember Shackleton? He took the step into the unknown, as has been written into history. The GD can do that as well. I believe that with the crew that we now have we can achieve great things.

Tmac, Varley, Capt. Tom, billyboy, Patsy, SSR, YM, Dartskipper, Farmer John, even Squeek and Eric,the mules, sheep and chickens, WE CAN DO THIS!

Are you with me?

Farmer John 7th May 2017 15:41

Can you be a little more specific? And a little warmer would be good. Shackleton ended up having to walk, that doesn't sound good.

Rodney 7th May 2017 17:16

And who pray tell is going to cook the mules, sheep and chickens?...Starve then!


Farmer John 7th May 2017 17:49

Rodney, the mules would cause severe indigestion, and I think that barbeque cooking on the decks in the Antarctic would not be the best idea, we are sort of hoping you will do the culinary artistry. Myself, I think Spit-roast Emperor Penguin might be a bit fishy, but I am open to contrary thoughts from anyone who has actually tried it. We would probably have to have some specially constructed egg cups for a Brekky egg from even a Chinstrap. Even thinking about this is making me cold.

Dartskipper 7th May 2017 19:01

I think we need to do more research on Red-17's proposed exposition. First we will need to be kitted out with thermal underwear, so Pats will be tied up for a while doing all the measurements. Then the ship's carpenter (have we got one?) will have to build some sleds for the dogs to pull over the snow if we had any dogs. Also, personally I have experienced sub-zero temperatures when working in the great outdoors, and once was enough. I start shivering now when the temperature drops below 16 C. We will need to take lots of 70 proof antifreeze.

Tmac1720 7th May 2017 19:15


Originally Posted by Red-17 (Post 2505)
OK guys, and girls, it is time that we took a step out of the ordinary. Enough of this drinking and running around like headless chickens. It is time for a serious adventure that does not include bars and all the niceties of life.

Ha ha God but I LOVE a commedian....:rolleyes:

We are as close to the Antarctic as we are ever going to be. Tmac, would this ship be able to endure the rigours of the Antarctic? If so, why are we not taking the next step to an adventure that has not been done in a long time.

Madam, this fine vessel can withstand ANY and ALL trials and tribulations required of it, one of our secret additions is a reinforced Titanium hull with breast hooks made of Carbon steel. As for why we have never endured the rigours of the Antarctic Sir Billy has not enlightened you to our previous circumnavigation of the globe pole to pole and underwater to boot.

Remember Shackleton? He took the step into the unknown, as has been written into history. The GD can do that as well. I believe that with the crew that we now have we can achieve great things.

Shackleton was given several DR's and eventually thrown over the rail as a lightweight :(

Tmac, Varley, Capt. Tom, billyboy, Patsy, SSR, YM, Dartskipper, Farmer John, even Squeek and Eric,the mules, sheep and chickens, WE CAN DO THIS!

NO WE CAN'T AS IT'S TOO BLOODY COLD (and I don't like the taste of Penguin:cool:)

Are you with me?

]Nope I'm with the Woolwich :D

Malcolm G 7th May 2017 19:40

Oi! would you lot just slow down for a bit. I've been chasing you for what seems half way round the world and had to blag fuel at anywhere that wasn't looking.

If you look over the side you will see a big orange floaty boaty thing with writing on the roof - and it doesn't say Golden Dreamer.
As I said I popped over to a passing vessel to attempt a replenishment of the crew bar. These chaps don't do RASes so I got stuck and ended up in their next port of call. Dunno where it was but they spoke foreign, as did most of the crew actually.
This boaty thing was dropped over the side and someone said something about drill; well I had a good look and I can't find any holes so I don't know what that was about.
There it was just sat in the water unattended, well sort of, the two men were outside doing something like cleaning the windows and I thought: "Why not?" - They were wearing life jackets so I'm sure they will be alright.
It said something about being tender but it seems quite tough so I don't know what that was about either. I did think it needed a little weight to make it more stable so I found some boxes on another quay and sort of dropped them in.
Anyway it now handles quite well and I just love the way you can chuck it around with those two engines. As I said it does tend to be a bit thirsty they way I drive it.
Also, have you ever driven one of those gas powered fork lift trucks? Great fun, just make sure to get off if you happen to miss the brake pedal - fortunately it missed the boat.

Well, now I have this boat and here we are. I have absolutely no idea what is in the boxes, I was too busy trying to catch you up.

Next, some questions:
Do you want the boat? - They surely wont miss it they had plenty more.
If you do how do we get it aboard?
Maybe someone could paint something over the writing on the roof.

Is there anything else you need?

billyboy 8th May 2017 00:41

Cut outs! Hoist that boat aboard immediately. Break out the paint I want it painted gold and made to look like our old launch, so, you will need to cut a couple of bits off.

Malcolm you are on free booze today Mate.

Soon as its on board unload those casses and lets check the loot heh heh heh.

YM-Mundrabilla 8th May 2017 01:27

Think that I will stay in the ER where it will still be warm even in the Antarctic (I hope).
Definitely be warmer than here in Melbourne where it will be only about 15C today.

billyboy 8th May 2017 01:32

1 Attachment(s)
Yeah, Managed to find a telegraph avatar... this one reads Full ahead!

Red-17 8th May 2017 01:49


Originally Posted by Farmer John (Post 2509)
Can you be a little more specific? And a little warmer would be good. Shackleton ended up having to walk, that doesn't sound good.

He didn't have to walk far, only over the mountain, near where he had landed on Tierra Del Fuego, to get to the whaling station and arrange rescue for his men. Anyway Farmer John, how specific do you want me to be?

Wow!! I've just noticed we have all our smilies. Thanks Steve/Andy. :applause:

Red-17 8th May 2017 01:56


Originally Posted by Dartskipper (Post 2522)
I think we need to do more research on Red-17's proposed exposition. First we will need to be kitted out with thermal underwear, so Pats will be tied up for a while doing all the measurements. drops below 16 C. .

I have already offered to help Pats with any fittings. She can't possibly do all of you on her own.:big_tongue:

billyboy 8th May 2017 02:04

You are welcome to assist Pats at any time. Its good you ladies help each other. I'll get you your personal tape measure.

Red-17 8th May 2017 02:07

I gather from your response, and that of others aboard the GD, you're not too keen on an expedition to the Antarctic. I thought that we were all here for an adventure, now I discover that you have done them all and just want to rest on your laurels! Humph, (toss of head Miss Piggy style). Are adventures and variety the domain of the men on board to come up with? I was just trying to be proactive.:cloud:

What's a DR? Seems like a few of you aboard have been given one and now you are saying Shackleton was given one and that he was a lightweight. Compared to whom?

Red-17 8th May 2017 02:09


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 2556)
You are welcome to assist Pats at any time. Its good you ladies help each other. I'll get you your personal tape measure.

Gold Plated, please Sir?:wink:

billyboy 8th May 2017 02:54

Naturally the end metal pieces are Gold, the numbers are white on black.
hold one end by the ankle and allow the tape to slip through the other hand all the way to the top of the inside leg. but be sure to leave an allowance for which ever side the gentleman dresses.

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