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Tmac1720 19th April 2018 16:40


Originally Posted by McCloggie (Post 13475)
Please note that these restrictions were not part of my attempts to resolve the Injuneering Departments grievances or find a solution!

Can I invite the Chief Engineer to join me for some Bushmills Malt and Scapa and a private meeting where we can resolve these differences?

Having said that it would appear that the issues originate from his own department!


No problem with that young man, a nice Black Bush has sated many a dispute. By the way the injuneers didn't start this debacle, Squeek took exception to being accused of being a stool pigeon (can a rat beany sort of pigeon?) by Red 17, broke the lads heart it did as he harboured carnal dreams which now are doomed to be unrequited :(

Stomped off in a huff (small cart with wheels) he did after booting the ships cat and a crate of chickens over the rail. :really_mad::really_mad:

Engine Serang, I dunno where you get these misapprehensions, you are a brother of the spanner and as such have an assured place on the "Injuneers Jolly Fund" too much pot-teen I suspect. Put more water in it lad !!:supercool:

Tmac1720 19th April 2018 16:48


Originally Posted by Dartskipper (Post 13477)
Things may calm down once we are out of the Bermuda Triangle.

Bermuda Triangle ??? is that where we are ????.... that must be sunlight then through the fiddly, I though somebody had just left the lights on. :supercool:

Us poor injuneers never know where we are because you ruddy deckie crowd never bother to tell us. First thing we know is the round thing with the big brass handle doodah goes "ting ting" and we are off again to God knows where. :(

Varley 19th April 2018 18:06

Bermuda triangle. Does that mean we expect to be infested with the Bermuda Salvation Army Band with their Bermuda Tambourines as well? I'd sooner we had Mormons - they're easier to bate even if they have no racing tips in their WarCry equivalent.

Dartskipper 19th April 2018 19:04

Don't know too much about that musical assemblage, but I hear they are serving Bermuda Shorts in the PAX lounge. Proper knee tremblers apparently.

Dartskipper 19th April 2018 19:44


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 13481)
that bit with the maroon tiles used to be the loo.
The cur...cor cour.....wrinkly metal bit was borrowed (nicked) from H&W football club. (can still smell the Guinness on it). The large building in the background is where we are at the moment. When buildong complete should look like the secomd pic. and all will be flood free.....Wheeeeeeeeeeee

I've been puzzling why that shade of blue is stirring some old memories. Then it came to me. John painted his second Coral Star a similar shade, and so was his booking office. I seem to remember him chuntering something about a deck hand being a bit generous with using the paint 'cos he was always running out !:jester:

Tom Alexander 20th April 2018 06:29


Originally Posted by Dartskipper (Post 13496)
Don't know too much about that musical assemblage, but I hear they are serving Bermuda Shorts in the PAX lounge. Proper knee tremblers apparently.

I do think, Dartskipper that you should at least pick a pair of Bermuda shorts a bit longer in the leg. :jump:

My suggestion is to take all way off the vessel and jettison a scuttled 40 gallon drum of olive oil to make a slick, chuck in an old life ring, and some old dunnage boards to make it look like we have sunk. Just in case there is some smart rrsss surveillance devise keeping track of us, we engage the cloaking device, essentially disappearing off the face of the earth. Then we continue on our present course and speed for another 4 hours, and then steer 200 degrees true until we are due East of Bahia de Guaraguao on Nueva Esparta, our destination. Should we perceive that we are being followed we can pump out our black water holding tanks, effectively blinding them.

ETA with Filthy Lucre in 48 hours. :supercool:

billyboy 20th April 2018 07:39

Might be an idea to submerge after the oil slick, everyone would assume she went down with all hands. could be possible.....just a thought like. You are in command of aiming the ship to whatever destination. Tom.

billyboy 20th April 2018 07:41


Originally Posted by Dartskipper (Post 13498)
I've been puzzling why that shade of blue is stirring some old memories. Then it came to me. John painted his second Coral Star a similar shade, and so was his booking office. I seem to remember him chuntering something about a deck hand being a bit generous with using the paint 'cos he was always running out !:jester:

well dont tell him where is....only got3 five gallon drums of it left....LOL

Tom Alexander 21st April 2018 05:57


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 13503)
Might be an idea to submerge after the oil slick, everyone would assume she went down with all hands. could be possible.....just a thought like. You are in command of aiming the ship to whatever destination. Tom.

No need to submerge especially if everyone thinks we went down with all hands -- they wouldn't think to look anywhere else. The cloaking device should give us sufficient secrecy, BUT we do need to go to silent running anyway -- so Varley will have to desist from playing the 1812 Overture on his 5000 watt RMS stereo system while Tmac provides the cannon sound effects on his Lambeg. That also means we have to sip our rum rather than slurp it. In the meantime I'm going to relax in my deckchair in Mary's garden while gazing into the starry heavens with my Four Bells by my side.:pint:

Tom Alexander 21st April 2018 06:09

Where's SSR lately?? I've also been watching the Penguins pussy-foot around with the Flyers ( should have taken them in 4 straight?) on the big screen in #1 hold. SSR has probably been holed up in front of his "telly" Arn in hand. How about flying in a few cases of that on your next visit John?? :supercool:

Engine Serang 21st April 2018 06:57


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 13514)
we do need to go to silent running anyway -- so Varley will have to desist from playing the 1812 Overture on his 5000 watt RMS stereo system while Tmac provides the cannon sound effects on his Lambeg. :

And Red 17 will have to keep her Didgeridoo in the tweendeck and limit herself to humming Tie Me Kangeroo Down Sport. Thank goodness RH has jumped ship.
PCS, a strong BB for Tmac, a weak one for me and two lamb chops for the kids.

billyboy 21st April 2018 08:36

just checking in. sorry for the workforce here 35c they are sweating gallons. maybe i should go easy on the whip eh.

Farmer John 21st April 2018 09:40

All seems quiet, just that continuous "ting,ting,ting" noise. I know what that is. Please, whoever is ...playing a solo hand, remove your cufflinks.

billyboy 21st April 2018 10:57

No worries FJ....just Dartskipper winding his automatic watch....I think!

McCloggie 21st April 2018 11:38

Where's SSR lately?? I've also been watching the Penguins pussy-foot around with the Flyers ( should have taken them in 4 straight?) on the big screen in #1 hold. SSR has probably been holed up in front of his "telly" Arn in hand. How about flying in a few cases of that on your next visit John??

I take it this means Pittsburgh and Philadelphia?

Apart from that life seems to be normal (for the GD anyway)

What is FAR more important is that the Fie Flyers lost to the Cardiff Devils in the UK play-offs!


Varley 21st April 2018 12:05

I am sorry but Ma's dying wish was that I played the 1812 daily in honour of her French Daughter-in-Law (well in all but the churching). She wasn't much for the historicals.

And while we're about it who has cropped half a kilowatt off my Bung and Oilyson rig?

Dartskipper 21st April 2018 12:08


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 13519)
No worries FJ....just Dartskipper winding his automatic watch....I think!

If I shake it too fast all the internal workings fly out. :sweat:

Farmer John 21st April 2018 14:56

I have had my Omega Seamaster referred to as "Self-winding". It's a lie, I do it, vigorously striding along and swinging my arms.

Red-17 22nd April 2018 03:44

[QUOTE=Tmac1720;13492]No problem with that young man, a nice Black Bush has sated many a dispute. By the way the injuneers didn't start this debacle, Squeek took exception to being accused of being a stool pigeon (can a rat beany sort of pigeon?) by Red 17, broke the lads heart it did as he harboured carnal dreams which now are doomed to be unrequited :(

Stomped off in a huff (small cart with wheels) he did after booting the ships cat and a crate of chickens over the rail. :really_mad::really_mad:

Dear Sir, at no time did I refer to Squeek as a 'stool pigeon', you disappoint me.:very_sad:

Tom Alexander 22nd April 2018 07:11

Glad you're aboard Red - I hadn't heard your didgeridoo so thought you might have snuck off. Who ever knew a didgeridoo could be played with a silencer?

If you treat Tmac nicely he might just design a Dom Perignon dispenser to fit on it as well so you can play and have a little sniffter at the same time.

Also I didn't know Red had an alias -- think I found a clip of her playing: :supercool: :)

Engine Serang 22nd April 2018 07:32

The definition of an Australian Lady is a Shelia who can play the didgeridoo but doesn't.

billyboy 22nd April 2018 09:02

Nah...thats not RED. RED's better looking than that.

Dartskipper 22nd April 2018 10:42

I think we haven't heard RED's didgeridoo because it emits sound waves on the same frequency as the invisibility generator thingy. After the disasters of the alleged experiments with USS Eldridge in the Philadelphia Naval Yard, all invisibility generators have by NATO direction been manufactured to operate at low frequencies. Or at least, ours has, because they are so outrageously expensive that only a major World economy, or Sir William's platinum limitless Amex card, can afford one.

Farmer John 22nd April 2018 16:05

Dartskipper, you are on to something. The annotated text about the Eldridge was described as follows

"two different types of "people" living in outer space. Their text contained non-standard use of capitalization and punctuation"

If that doesn't leave us wide open for detection, what does? You will also note the wilful American spelling of "capitalisation".

Tmac1720 22nd April 2018 16:37

M'Lud I would respectfully direct your attention to post numbers 2685 (Engine Serang) and 2688 by the young lady in the dock, to wit madam Red 17 (madam in the respectful sense of course)

While the actual words "stool pigeon" were not specifically uttered the inference nonetheless is quite evident. Of course Engine Serang, being a brother of the spanner gets some dispensation as befits his statue alas the same cannot be said for Madam Red 17 who by inference harbours secrets regarding the personal affairs of the crew member in question. (note at no time has the expression Rat, Ratty or Rodent features been uttered)

Squeek has however been placated with an extra cheese ration coupled with the alternative of a visit by Mr 7llb shifter to his dangly bits should he persist in his action of labour withdrawal.

Sweetness, light and harmony once again reigns in the injun room and I am once again a happy bunny. Threats, coercion and intimidation work wonders when applied correctly.

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