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Engine Serang 26th September 2018 08:02


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 18378)
Awe! Come on -- it wasn't that bad was it???

As the Bishop said to the actress.

Varley 26th September 2018 10:41

No longer forbidden, just socially unacceptable.

(But for a silicon based non-life form to tell you? That is just user over-familiar).

YM-Mundrabilla 28th September 2018 05:26

Has the Golden Dreamer submerged or has it just gone into silent running?

Tom Alexander 28th September 2018 08:02


Originally Posted by YM-Mundrabilla (Post 18425)
Has the Golden Dreamer submerged or has it just gone into silent running?

No to both of the above.

Apparently I have been forbidden for the last couple of days. (Whether it is because of warped sense of humour, or some other reason, I know not)

If we are allowed, however, we will leave Aruba in 4 hours time and steer 273 degrees true to clear Punta Gallinas en route to the San Blas Islands.

YM-Mundrabilla 28th September 2018 08:37

Hopefully we will reach San Blas before Global Warming and the rising oceans inundate it. I could use a bit of the warmth obvious in some of the beach photos of San Blas.
Just thinking yesterday when it was 25 C that things were looking up. Today and tomorrow it will be around 13 C here in Melbourne.

Must have missed whatever it was that got you 'forbidden'.:jester:

Dartskipper 28th September 2018 21:09


Originally Posted by YM-Mundrabilla (Post 18430)
Hopefully we will reach San Blas before Global Warming and the rising oceans inundate it. I could use a bit of the warmth obvious in some of the beach photos of San Blas.
Just thinking yesterday when it was 25 C that things were looking up. Today and tomorrow it will be around 13 C here in Melbourne.

Must have missed whatever it was that got you 'forbidden'.:jester:

It happened when the Chief had selected "Stealth" mode under instructions from Sir William. :supercool:

billyboy 29th September 2018 02:44

Quite right Tom...... I do silly things like that at times.....LOL

Tom Alexander 29th September 2018 08:05

Mr. McCloggie -- if you are compost mintos would you please arrange some cutouts to drop anchor off customs in El Porvenir. We will need to arrange Panamanian visas but I suspect trade goods like Laphroaig 18 year old will go a long way to completing the necessities. :pint:

McCloggie 29th September 2018 15:13

I have composted my mints and have been taking things easy on the pool deck discussing the steam loco requirements with Sir William.

Right! Cutout focsle party to muster and standby it is.

I will arrange a case or two of suitable trade goods, meet any customs officials and take them to to lounge where all the paperwork can be concluded in a friendly manner.

Looks like a nice place!


Varley 29th September 2018 15:30

You don't understand what you asked for. Stealth mode just means he's changed his boiler suit in the last month.

Tom Alexander 30th September 2018 06:07


Originally Posted by McCloggie (Post 18457)
I will arrange a case or two of suitable trade goods, meet any customs officials and take them to to lounge where all the paperwork can be concluded in a friendly manner.

Looks like a nice place!

Sorry to keep up the pressure, but perhaps Mr. McCloggie would be so kind as to open the Marina Deck, and Farmer John man the stainless steel bar down there. Sir Williams launch should be all prepared for runs ashore, water-skiing, bringing curious maidens aboard for tours, etc., etc., ad erectum undt copulatum. (My Latin is a bit rusty but I believe that would provide satisfactory memories of various shore excursions, ship visits, etc.)

Anyone interested, by all means meet on the Marina Deck for libations on my tab.:pint: :pint:

Farmer John 30th September 2018 14:45

The famous Stainless Steel bar is fully manned and ready to welcome our hosts in San Blas, it is their country to invite us to, it seems good policy to make them welcome aboard our territory. Many horses have lost their doofers to make the experience tasty.

Tom Alexander 1st October 2018 05:35


Originally Posted by Farmer John (Post 18475)
The famous Stainless Steel bar is fully manned and ready to welcome our hosts in San Blas, it is their country to invite us to, it seems good policy to make them welcome aboard our territory. Many horses have lost their doofers to make the experience tasty.

Thank you Farmer John. Glad to hear that you are preparing Horses Ovaries to delight our guests. I was going to suggest a cocktail party, but that usually results in all cock and no tail. "Free Booze", although less melodramatic appears to have a more attractive connotation?

Whatever works !! :pint:

billyboy 1st October 2018 23:36

Best dress for the occasion lads. need to let the shore folks know we are gentlemen of high standards (till we get them aboard).
lets get the party going before we depart for the shore to meet these nice folks

Tom Alexander 2nd October 2018 05:31


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 18506)
Lets get the party going before we depart for the shore to meet these nice folks

Seem to vaguely remember that the Gin Fizz Rickey was very popular in Panama -- A double for me, please, tarbender. :pint:

Tmac1720 2nd October 2018 10:15


Originally Posted by Varley (Post 18458)
You don't understand what you asked for. Stealth mode just means he's changed his boiler suit in the last month.

Stealth mode doesn't work for me, alas the smell of HFO, Tellus Oil and WD40 linger wherever I go although I must admit the sight and smell of me in the nuddy does have certain aphrodisiac effects on the ladies :supercool:

Engine Serang 2nd October 2018 10:52

I try so hard to make things idiot proof but they keep making better idiots

You're an oul cynic, you won't come across a better class of idiot than now on board. FJ and Varley could hold their own against the entire Front Bench.

Farmer John 2nd October 2018 15:07


Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 18518)
FJ and Varley could hold their own against the entire Front Bench.

Speaking for myself, I don't do that kind of thing in Parliament.

Tmac1720 2nd October 2018 16:20


Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 18518)
You're an oul cynic, you won't come across a better class of idiot than now on board. FJ and Varley could hold their own against the entire Front Bench.

FJ and Varley are well known for holding their own, pride of the regiment they are :big_tongue:

billyboy 3rd October 2018 00:35

Wheeeeee, look at the welcoming crowd on the dock waiting to greet us lads.
This has got to be a fun port heh heh heh

Tom Alexander 3rd October 2018 07:42


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 18535)
Wheeeeee, look at the welcoming crowd on the dock waiting to greet us lads.
This has got to be a fun port heh heh heh

Nice friendly people -- we should buy some of their trade goods to send home, or save and sell on at a profit when we get to Aus.

Oh! Look at the nice smile on that pretty girl over there. :hippy:

Engine Serang 3rd October 2018 08:40

That pretty girl is the village Head Man, off you go Tom. And there is a case of Malibu in it for you!!!!!

billyboy 3rd October 2018 12:55

Tom can handle himself. he's got a black belt in origami.

Farmer John 3rd October 2018 16:46

I can handle myself. In fact, when younger, I did it quite often.

Farmer John 3rd October 2018 22:34

Just back from a bit of a buying spree. McAllan, eh? Put my boot through that glass box and knock the neck off.

That is so good, with a little Blackcurrant cordial. Any one else for a slurp? I've kept the label, that is quite good.

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