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BobClay 3rd December 2018 09:19


Originally Posted by Farmer John (Post 20060)
As in "Fotograph"?

Of course. Smith and Wesson make a fine range of cameras. :sweat:

Farmer John 3rd December 2018 09:30


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 20063)
No - got to be "fotograffer". (Take me to the dark room, Brunhilda! :supercool:)

I don't Leica.

Tmac1720 3rd December 2018 11:17

The in the gallery section. ES there is no F in

Engine Serang 3rd December 2018 12:16

T, your foto should be attached to your post as a thumnail.

What makes you think I've time to go rooting through hunners of fotos of ships built in Cammel Lairds or Swan Hunter to find an Arroll Gantry?

Tmac1720 3rd December 2018 15:11

Tried that ES but perhaps I'm not as good an injuneer as I thought I was so posted it in the gallery.:huh:

I know you haven't the time to go rooting although it depends on the actual type of rooting I suppose, as you have plenty of work to do down the pit, assuming you want paid this week.:shock:

Anyhoo I hope you lot appreciated the photo or foto, I won't bother my arse in future :mad:

Dartskipper 3rd December 2018 19:14

I just assumed the aforementioned attached photograph had been taken on one of Belfast's foggier days.

Engine Serang 3rd December 2018 20:38

FFS lads youse have gone and put Tmac in a huff, he will sulk for a week, wear his Foreman's bowler hat down the engine room and make our lives a misery. BB and Mr V I'm relying on youse to humour him and fill him with something distilled on board which has been filtered thro a piece of Lingere preferably of the female kind. Nought queer abart Mr T.

BobClay 3rd December 2018 21:33

Is this the one ??? …. this sort of tension could kill half the posters on here given their age ….:sweat::big_tongue:

Engine Serang 4th December 2018 06:38

Full marks Bob, I started to think I was going to have to get GCHQ to find Tmac's snap. All that climbing up poles in Staffordshire was not in vein.

Tom Alexander 4th December 2018 06:55


Originally Posted by Tmac1720 (Post 20084)
I know you haven't the time to go rooting although it depends on the actual type of rooting I suppose, as you have plenty of work to do down the pit, assuming you want paid this week.:shock:

Are we getting our rooting confused with our rutting? ES always looks totally bed-draggled when he comes back from shore leave. :)

Anyhoo I hope you lot appreciated the photo or foto, I won't bother my arse in future :mad:

Appreciated your foto(s) very much -- all of them. :)

Engine Serang 4th December 2018 07:30

Mr mcCloggie, breakfast in bed for Tmac, please.
A large Bloody Mary and 2 soft boiled eggs. A nice tray with one of them wee roundy lacy things to please him.
Any supplementary fee to my account please.

YM-Mundrabilla 4th December 2018 07:30

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Engine Serang (Post 20066)
I thought Mr Mundrabilla sailed with Yang Ming line. What a silly-Billy I am.

No water for sailing at Mundrabilla - not even water to drink!
Plenty sand upon which to run aground also lots of scrap metal.:jester:
Tmac and some of you other fearless Engineers (note the capital 'E' which is intended as a compliment!) could spend some leisure hours straightening the axle rather than getting into trouble ashore.

BobClay 4th December 2018 08:31

I think to relieve the tension of a 37 post thread to find a missing piccy I'll go down to the bookshop and when they're not looking, rip out the last four pages of all the Agatha Christie books. :egg:


Dartskipper 4th December 2018 19:35


Originally Posted by BobClay (Post 20103)
I think to relieve the tension of a 37 post thread to find a missing piccy I'll go down to the bookshop and when they're not looking, rip out the last four pages of all the Agatha Christie books. :egg:


Everybody will be asking "whodunnit."

BobClay 4th December 2018 20:26

That old … old question, much beloved of philosophers …. "Who ? Where ? What ? and Why ?" :big_tongue:

(Sometimes shortened in this day of text to "WTF") :p

Dartskipper 4th December 2018 21:55


Originally Posted by BobClay (Post 20117)
That old … old question, much beloved of philosophers …. "Who ? Where ? What ? and Why ?" :big_tongue:

(Sometimes shortened in this day of text to "WTF") :p

Indeed, but we ask ourselves, "How?":confused:

Farmer John 4th December 2018 22:10


Originally Posted by BobClay (Post 20103)
I think to relieve the tension of a 37 post thread to find a missing piccy I'll go down to the bookshop and when they're not looking, rip out the last four pages of all the Agatha Christie books. :egg:


Would anyone notice? If you have read one...

Engine Serang 5th December 2018 07:24


Originally Posted by Farmer John (Post 20121)
Would anyone notice? If you have read one...

On one ship we got a box of Walport movies which had a "Bridge to Far", 5 reels of it. Good old Lecky showed reels 1, 2, 4, 3, 5; and no one knew the difference. Tennants was a factor.

BobClay 5th December 2018 10:11

A Russian ship requested to borrow a movie from us in Madras once. We lent them 'Get Carter' and a few of us went across to interpret the story to those who couldn't speak English. Anybody who has ever drank with Russians will know the result. :p
I'm sure they showed the reels in wrong order but with all the sex and violence (Carter got killed in the second reel the way they showed it) they were completely happy. (Apparently it made a change from their films 'Ivans Wondrous Day in the Tractor Factory.' :D )

There was no mercy with the drinking … self destruct in 10 minutes or you're a pansy. I had a 2 day hangover after that.

Farmer John 5th December 2018 17:24

My daughter is an arachnologist, when she attends international conferences they always have a Russian night, the consequences are awful. All bring some obscure drink or food and it is wassail all in the great hall till rosy dawn fingers the gas-works.

Engine Serang 5th December 2018 21:44

It's unfair to the spider. Just imagine the state it would be in having bit one of the delegates, it would be tipsy for the best part of a week.

Dartskipper 5th December 2018 22:22

If we have trouble standing on two legs after a good session, just imagine how difficult it would be for a drunken spider.

OLDGIT77 31st August 2023 19:24


Originally Posted by Varley (Post 20036)
What about EBAY. Most of what you need is available to reassemble without the need to recreate. A bit strange to have a Citizen slave running from a Seko master that won't go backwards and so far only one end of a telegraph (with no standby or FWE marked). I did idly look for a Hokushin data logger and am still looking for a Marconi Seaguard. My black museum could probably provide most of a thyripart excitation system.

I am sure between us we could probably do most of the outfit leaving the only problem a hull and perhaps the main engine (sorry could only help there with MIG can't do the real thing).


Just moved into a sheltered unfunished flat did not have much so bought a lot of flat pack off Ebay ,
Putting together last two weeks , getting good at it now .

Mybe i should hire myself out to put other peoples flatpacks for a small fee
to top up my pension .

TRUTH :- first thing i put together was a nice computer desk , i only went and put
two dowels in the wrong holes [ swearing bugger ] job to get out . ha.ha


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