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Malcolm G 23rd December 2017 16:06

Patience, patience....

Naytikos 24th December 2017 05:24

Where is Harrogate?

Malcolm G 24th December 2017 08:48

Up Norffe somewhere.

Ahh, I spot a bit of thread drift... that could be good... maybe.

BobClay 24th December 2017 13:03

I'm sending this from the Robin Hood pub in Stourbridge (near Peaky Blinders country.)

Not a bad pub. No bouncers observable.

(The heads on spikes outside the door might have something to do with that :eek: )

cueball44 24th December 2017 13:59


Originally Posted by Naytikos (Post 10423)
Where is Harrogate?

It's a Spa Town North of Leeds not far from Mother shiptons well at Knaresborough. They say that if you enter Harrogate and seem to look like you are short of money or look in anyway dodgy, you will be escorted to the boundaries and told to go elsewhere. :jester:

erimus 24th December 2017 15:12


Originally Posted by Jolly Jack (Post 10403)
Can't agree with that Geof!!


I used to use the Old Bell many moons ago....understand this has been refurbished.


Farmer John 24th December 2017 15:17


Originally Posted by cueball44 (Post 10436)
It's a Spa Town North of Leeds not far from Mother shiptons well at Knaresborough. They say that if enter Harrogate and seem to look like you are short of money or look in anyway dodgy, you will be escorted to the boundaries and told to go elsewhere. :jester:

I have passed quickly through it many times and never been ejected, their standards can't be that high.

Farmer John 24th December 2017 15:19


Originally Posted by erimus (Post 10438)
I used to use the Old Bell many moons ago....understand this has been refurbished.


Geoff, is this cause and effect?

erimus 24th December 2017 15:54


Originally Posted by Farmer John (Post 10440)
Geoff, is this cause and effect?

Hardly.....been 10 years since last visit..used to booze with some senior police officers,meant that no problem anyone getting stopped!


Malcolm G 24th December 2017 15:55

Just a thought - When I said 'UP Norffe' that presupposes an up and a down. Being as the earth is flat then it must therefore be hanging in the vertical rather than horizontal. Otherwise it would be 'along' rather than 'up', or 'down'.
Obviously we must make an exception for the Antipodeans - They really are down unless you live there then we are down relatively, even though we are up.

Dartskipper 24th December 2017 18:25

I thought the antipodeans lived underneath the Earth. Otherwise, if you start digging a hole, they won't be there to greet you when you come out on the other side. No?

Malcolm G 24th December 2017 18:53

Yes, but they are down when North is not up but along. Up must be this side and down is that side unless you live in Australia then we are down in relation them but still up, as in on top.
If you live in New Zealand it doesn't seem to matter either way.

Dartskipper 24th December 2017 19:51

So where does that locate our Sooth Efrikan friends? Equably midway along the Equator? (Wherever that is.)

Malcolm G 24th December 2017 19:57

But they are not proper antipodeans - Part of Africa is on this side of the world, so they can't be on the other side.

Same-same our friends in Chile.
Argentina doesn't count - they can just go away and suit themselves, which they probably will.

Farmer John 24th December 2017 22:21

You folks think too big. Anything you can't see doesn't really exist till you get there

Dartskipper 24th December 2017 22:53

I was going to polish my specs, but I won't now thanks to FJ confirming that if I can't see it, it isn't there. :supercool:

Naytikos 25th December 2017 06:17

That explains nicely why I didn't know the whereabouts of Harrogate; now I'm wondering about Stourbridge…….
Hope Bob isn't about to fall off the edge.

Jolly Jack 25th December 2017 10:28


Originally Posted by erimus (Post 10438)
I used to use the Old Bell many moons ago....understand this has been refurbished.


That must be Big Ben then Geof. Actually I only went to Harrogate was closed!!


Roger B 25th December 2017 11:22


Originally Posted by erimus (Post 10438)
I used to use the Old Bell many moons ago....understand this has been refurbished.


The Old Bell still going strong. They were even graced by a visit from ex President Bill Clinton a few years back, his secret service escort advised him not to try a mix of ultra strong cider and Guiness. I think the photograph of his visit is still there. They sell a good selection of Belgian beers. Cheers. Roger

Farmer John 25th December 2017 17:38

Belgian beers, like being kissed by an express train. Let's see, I have a couple of bottles left.

Red-17 4th January 2018 06:02

Well! That was an interesting way to spend 5 minutes whilst I waited for my nail polish to dry. I shall ponder whether or not I am up, down or sideways in relationship to the rest of the world. What I do know is it is damn hot and going to get hotter over the next few days, up to 40 deg. C. Does anyone in he southern part of this planet have a room to spare.

I wonder if this will be the absolute final post on this thread? I hope not.

Farmer John 4th January 2018 09:25

I thought I had that last post, then someone filled the bugle with nailpolish.

BobClay 4th January 2018 11:11

♫♪♫♪♫ … I'm creeping this post in hoping nobody will notice. I could be whistling in the dark though … ♪♫

erimus 4th January 2018 11:21

......and of course when you click to enter the thread there is the message 'last post'.........this thread will likely never end now!


Malcolm G 4th January 2018 12:19

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