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Tom Alexander 21st April 2017 00:50


Originally Posted by Malcolm G (Post 328)
Often seen you lot sailing past - Thought 'Oh my Gawd, what's that?'
Glad to see you all getting settled in.
Any room for a passenger?
Wont be any trouble, honest... :D

Welcome aboard, Malcolm, but judging by the leacherous leer on your Smiley Face, I'm not too sure that you won't be any trouble ---- but maybe you can teach us a thing or two? Putting you in charge of our next going ashore party. :rolleyes:

Red-17 21st April 2017 01:50

COYi???:confused: Is this some sort of code between yourself and Tom or should I be worried? billyboy, has the GD ever been to the Arctic or Antarctic? :cool: Hope your aged finger is recovering after the slip-up.

Red-17 21st April 2017 01:55


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 405)
Yes I have made the transfer, but I must admit things have sure left me behind -- lot of catching up to do! :eek:

About the Diving tender, surely Tmac transferred over the cloaking device?? We can then take Red for the ride she was looking forward to -- if she keeps her bikini on that will draw everyone's attention away from what we are doing anyway. :cool:

Oh Goodie, Rolls Royce here I come. I think with top off would draw more attention! :o

Tom Alexander 21st April 2017 07:28


Originally Posted by Red-17 (Post 479)
Oh Goodie, Rolls Royce here I come. I think with top off would draw more attention! :o

I didn't want to go there and give you the impression as to where my mind usually is! :cool:

Malcolm G 21st April 2017 08:49


Originally Posted by Tom Alexander (Post 475)
Welcome aboard, Malcolm, but judging by the leacherous leer on your Smiley Face, I'm not too sure that you won't be any trouble ---- but maybe you can teach us a thing or two? Putting you in charge of our next going ashore party. :rolleyes:

Teach? wot me? - Too many old dogs round here as far as I can see.

Happy to go exploring though.:)

billyboy 21st April 2017 09:25


Originally Posted by Red-17 (Post 478)
COYi???:confused: Is this some sort of code between yourself and Tom or should I be worried? billyboy, has the GD ever been to the Arctic or Antarctic? :cool: Hope your aged finger is recovering after the slip-up.

Its a West Ham United thing.COYi = come on you irons.

billyboy 21st April 2017 09:26


Originally Posted by Red-17 (Post 479)
Oh Goodie, Rolls Royce here I come. I think with top off would draw more attention! :o

It certainly did aboard here ha ha ha

billyboy 21st April 2017 09:28


Originally Posted by Malcolm G (Post 489)
Teach? wot me? - Too many old dogs round here as far as I can see.

Happy to go exploring though.:)

we have a salvage task to perform first. After that Tom will pilot us to an appropriate port where we can dispose of some of our looy and head of on a pub crawl.

Red-17 21st April 2017 13:01


billyboy 21st April 2017 13:10


Originally Posted by Red-17 (Post 523)

Its a West Ham United thing. COYi = "come on you irons."

Tmac1720 21st April 2017 16:29


Originally Posted by Malcolm G (Post 370)

If Tmac is in one engine room one could always sneak a peek in the other one, maybe....

You could but it would be the very last thing you see :eek: anyhoo all the gear has been transferred to the new ship so only an empty space remains.... I might be daft but I'm not stupid :D

Malcolm G 21st April 2017 16:34


Originally Posted by Tmac1720 (Post 543)
You could but it would be the very last thing you see :eek: anyhoo all the gear has been transferred to the new ship so only an empty space remains.... I might be daft but I'm not stupid :D

Empty? yeah right, I've heard that one before.

I've got form for scrounging stuff out of an 'empty' room... :p

Dammit, you locked it didn't you.

Farmer John 21st April 2017 22:24


Originally Posted by Malcolm G (Post 545)
Empty? yeah right, I've heard that one before.

I've got form for scrounging stuff out of an 'empty' room... :p

Dammit, you locked it didn't you.

Lordy, you are a brave man, I would not attempt any access to Tmacs interstices without some trepidation.

Them knuckles aren't just mechanical blight, check his physiognomy.

Damn, I know I shouldn't have had Alphabet Soup for tea.

Red-17 21st April 2017 23:28

Farmer John, I am having problems with my SH account and have emailed admin and sent a private message to Steve. I realise that with the time difference I may not have a reply or solution until much later today. I have lost all private messages, in and out and don't seem to be receiving notifications

For everyone's protection I will off the GD till the problem is resolved. We don't want any cross contamination. :mad:

Varley 21st April 2017 23:40


Originally Posted by Farmer John (Post 609)
Lordy, you are a brave man, I would not attempt any access to Tmacs interstices without some trepidation.

Them knuckles aren't just mechanical blight, check his physiognomy.

Damn, I know I shouldn't have had Alphabet Soup for tea.

You mustn't meddle with his interstices. His trousesr might fall down.

Tom Alexander 22nd April 2017 07:03


Originally Posted by Red-17 (Post 613)
Farmer John, I am having problems with my SH account and have emailed admin and sent a private message to Steve. I realise that with the time difference I may not have a reply or solution until much later today. I have lost all private messages, in and out and don't seem to be receiving notifications

For everyone's protection I will off the GD till the problem is resolved. We don't want any cross contamination. :mad:

With you being a nurse, and also with sister Eleff around, any cross contamination should be resolved with the usual injection of penecillin. (In the case of exterior contamination a bunch of cotton waste soaked in paraffin liberally applied should solve the problem. :p

Tom Alexander 22nd April 2017 07:46


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 495)
we have a salvage task to perform first. After that Tom will pilot us to an appropriate port where we can dispose of some of our looy and head of on a pub crawl.

Salvage job is a third party enterprise -- after contacting the chief assistant to the assistand chief on Varleys Satellite set-up -- we are required to meet with a Polish submarine in the channel between Moorea and Tahiti. We will know it is a Polish submarine because it will have it's screen door open. We will load 2 pallets of gold bullion from the sub during the night and then put into Pape'ete during the day. Berth arranged. All crew expected to go ashore for a complete pish-up. Sir William -- perhaps you could lend your Titanium credit card to Red as she's been such a good girl. (Well that's probably not what her mother would think, But!) That operation will be the best cover for the undertaking at hand. Absolutely no-one would think that such a bunch of drunken sailors would be sufficiently nefarious to engage in bullion laundering.

Destination for the "special" cargo is Taipei, Taiwan. Pay is in American dollars. Hopefully by the time we get there the Yankee Dollar will still be worth something? :cool:

Tom Alexander 22nd April 2017 07:49

Looking forward to a trip to the bars with all and sundried. There should be plenty of unaware maidens in Pape'ete as I don't think we've been there before.:cool::cool:

Red-17 22nd April 2017 09:43

Hi Tom, All seems now fixed with my glitch in the system so, HERE I AM. Now, Tom, I am a bit concerned about going to Tahiti :confused: Remember what happened to the crew of the Bounty when they went there. However I would be more than happy to be able to go ashore with a Titanium credit card. Happy days. :)

Red-17 22nd April 2017 09:45


Originally Posted by Tmac1720 (Post 543)
.... I might be daft but I'm not stupid :D

That's not what I heard Tmac. :D

Red-17 22nd April 2017 09:48


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 526)
Its a West Ham United thing. COYi = "come on you irons."

Sorry billyboy, it was when I sent the second message that I realised I had a problem with the system. I promise I will try not to repeat myself again, repeat myself.:p

Red-17 22nd April 2017 09:49

[QUOTE=Farmer John;609] Farmer John will we be taking the mules with us on this voyage? I have become rather attached to them.

billyboy 22nd April 2017 10:22

you will be fine Red=17. we will all look after you.

YM-Mundrabilla 22nd April 2017 10:31


Originally Posted by Red-17 (Post 636)
Hi Tom, All seems now fixed with my glitch in the system so, HERE I AM. Now, Tom, I am a bit concerned about going to Tahiti :confused: Remember what happened to the crew of the Bounty when they went there. However I would be more than happy to be able to go ashore with a Titanium credit card. Happy days. :)

Worked with a young lady years ago and the subject of holidaying in Tahiti came up.

I said that I could 'see' her in a couple of coconuts and a grass skirt. Couldn't get away with it these days of PC. :)

Varley 22nd April 2017 10:42

And did you look good in coconuts and grass skirt?

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