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tweediekiwi 16th April 2021 23:45

Southern Garden tales
Thanks Makko and ES.
I recall Dad telling me that the CE took him up to the foc'sle and opening a hatch which led to a vertical tube full of seawater. He was directed to shine his torch and tell the Chief what he saw. "It's a steam pump." "Correct," says the Chief, "Start it up. Just turn that wheel there." With steam fed to the pump, it started up and they could hear overboard discharge over the side. Dad said it was a revealing moment for him regarding the power of steam. He got the job of going up there every two or three days to empty that (and several others around the ship) in all weathers apparently. So much for going to sea in 1957 in an old leaky tanker ...

Makko 17th April 2021 00:18

It sounds like he was a good Chief and took your Dad under his wing! My favourite C/E was Bill Turner. He was present during the building of Barber Priam and Barber Hector and knew every nut, bolt, nook and cranny of the ships. He was one of the few Chiefs that I sailed with who was "hands-on" and would note, in the log, that he was assuming the ER during standby to let you go and get fed properly! He was also present during maintenance as he really wanted to see what we were noting and later reporting. A really sound and respectable, old school, Chief Engineer who I owe a lot to!


Makko 17th April 2021 00:19

And.......ES......Iain Dalglish, a legend!

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