Shipping History

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Richard 5th July 2017 17:09

Perhaps its what should be called someone's "Vanity Thread" :jester:

BobClay 5th July 2017 19:30

I don't think us generating new threads or otherwise is the solution. The obvious solution is it needs to be gone.

pompeyfan 5th July 2017 20:05


As my colleague has said, we have brought this to the attention of Admin. We have in fact had a post in the cruising thread today wondering why a picture of a cruise ship in Cruising Industry News is not in the gallery, and why so few pictures and comments in the gallery. Therefore, a very different view to those posted on this thread.

As I have said in #11, if you do not like cruising, then ignore the forum. The reason there are so many threads is that they are automatic generated by the site.

Once again, please bare with us as we build the site. Seven forums are still to be opened including Container Vessels. If these forums are opened or used more it will take the heat out of the Cruising Industry News updates so will hopefully not be noticed as much as now.

pompeyfan 5th July 2017 20:30


Out of interest, I have counted four foums with comment today, including this thread. Six threads were automaticaly posted in Cruising Industry News today so far and seven yesterday, so it is no wonder we seem to be swamped.

The problem is NOT Cruising Industry News, but the fact that other forums are not being used, or even opened making the situation look worse than it really is. I hope that makes sense :confused:

Dartskipper 5th July 2017 20:53


Originally Posted by Richard (Post 5790)
Someone said earlier no Spam on this site. I would tend to disagree.

I prefer corned beef myself......:jester:

pompeyfan 5th July 2017 20:55


Thanks for brightening this thread up :thumb:

BobClay 5th July 2017 21:01

So what you're saying is we either like it or lump it ?

Well at least that's a fair comment.

Although what this has got to do with Shipping History has got me pretty much beat.

Dartskipper 5th July 2017 21:04

Yes, the Cruise News is annoying. It would be more appropriate to old seafarers if it consisted of Booze Cruise News.

I guess we should all start more threads, as was suggested previously.

Richard 5th July 2017 21:27

"As my colleague has said, we have brought this to the attention of Admin. We have in fact had a post in the cruising thread today wondering why a picture of a cruise ship in Cruising Industry News is not in the gallery, and why so few pictures and comments in the gallery. Therefore, a very different view to those posted on this thread."

Obviously whoever mentioned the fact that a picture from Cruising Industry News was not showing on this site reads Cruising Industry News anyway, (Or how did he/she know it was missing?) Let those who want to read such things go there.
Surely the answer is to ban Automatic Postings to this site then??

Ref 29

"The problem is NOT Cruising Industry News, but the fact that other forums are not being used, or even opened making the situation look worse than it really is. I hope that makes sense"

It'll be nice to see some new threads introduced to this site, Provided they come from within this site, and are contributed to by members.
Cruising Industry News isn't being used. It's being posted to this site on an almost hourly basis, and there are very very few replies That's the problem. And they are external links of little interest to many.
As an aside, I'd really love to work on the ships again, I (Mostly) liked the people I worked with and the seafarers attitude. I have never had any inclination to go on a cruise, mix with cruise people or read about cruising. No more do I want to go sailing, or take my leisure on the water. The water (Sea) is for working on, and having on occasion, a rattling good time.
I just hope I can recall or relive some of those days on sites like this one.

pompeyfan 5th July 2017 21:42


Originally Posted by BobClay (Post 5812)
So what you're saying is we either like it or lump it ?

Well at least that's a fair comment.

Although what this has got to do with Shipping History has got me pretty much beat.


I am not saying like it or lump it, just pointing out that with so few other threads. the Shipping Industry News looks far worse than it really is.

Actually, cruising IS Shipping History. Cruising has been around for years. The 1948 built Caronia was a full time cruise ship if memory serves me right, and the former Stockholm built in the same year is still going strong under different guises, the oldest cruise ship in the world as far as I am aware, so plenrty of history there. And I could find many others with nautical history cruising and otherwise. I worked on one, the 1954 built Arcadia when she was a full time cruise ship. You can read my article here on Shipping History about Arcadia in the P&O forum.

Perhaps we could open this thread up a bit such as what is it that some members dislike so much about cruising. Also, perhaps members could give us some idea what they would like to see. Like I say, we are still building this site, so appreciate comments good and bad.

BobClay 5th July 2017 22:13

Fine.... you want a cruise shipping site, I've no objection. But this is not for me, so ... I'm gone.

erimus 5th July 2017 22:41

Every morning I buy a newspaper,30% of which I don't read as it isn't of interest...
Surely forums are the same...if you don't want/need to read then you don't?


pompeyfan 5th July 2017 23:04


Nobody is saying anything about a cruise shipping site. It is simply one of many shipping topics.

Please don't forget that cruise ships have crew like other vessels cargo or otherwise. They are at sea, just like we were in our respective vessels. All crew whatever the type of ship face the same heavy seas that we did, the same dangers. Many of us are former crew, not passengers, but seafarers. Below deck life aboard cruise ships is the same as it was during our day whatever type of vesel we sailed on. I would never regard myself as a passenger cruising or otherwise, but a former seaman, and very proud of it. All I wanted to do was go to sea, and it lived up to my expectations and more.

It would be very sad if you left the site because of your dislike of cruising. Shipping History is about all shipping matters, and much more.

Richard 6th July 2017 08:26

Well lets see what life aboard a modern cruise ship is like for the crew then. What they do, the conditions they work under and so on. Lets see cruising from a modern seafarers point of view. That would be interesting.

pompeyfan 6th July 2017 08:59


Originally Posted by Richard (Post 5835)
Well lets see what life aboard a modern cruise ship is like for the crew then. What they do, the conditions they work under and so on. Lets see cruising from a modern seafarers point of view. That would be interesting.


What a wonderful post, but I would expect nothing less from a fellow Isle of Wighter :thumb:

Having cruised myself, albeit a number of years ago, and reading comments over the years, some crew are treated very badly. Many are on board for nine to ten months. The hours they work are long, and very little time off. Their pay is appalling, made worse by passengers no longer tipping in the normal manner. I think there is a service charge on some cruise lines at least that is supposed to be shared evenly I think, but some depending on their rank are paid more, so quite unfair. But crew have told me they rely on their tips paid directly from the passenger to send home, many supporting families back home, not only their own families but parents and grandparents etc. Anyway, those who are still cruising will be better informed than myself.

woodend 6th July 2017 09:32

I support iive and let live policy so if you don't want to read about cruising you don't have to read the threads, it is the same as planes and cars. I have no interest there so I don't read about them but they are there for reference if you do need them.
However I fully support the contents of the previous thread about the plight of some cruise ship crews!

erimus 6th July 2017 10:15

Have cruised with 3 major US owned companies and many of the crew,especially the Indian,Phillipino,Indonesian members have crewed for the same groups for up to 10 years and wouldn't be returning if things were that bad....the practice of passenger per person per day gratuity doesn't go down well with the customers but I am assured that every level of crew member gets their share....that is from crew themselves.You can always top up your cabin stewards/ dining room staff yourselves


Dartskipper 6th July 2017 18:23

There was a program a few years ago about the brand new Stena Line ferry running out of Harwich. She also had Filipino "domestic" staff on board, and it was interesting hearing their comments about their life at work, and how few times they got home to their families. I think they relied on Skype and social media to keep in touch.

Richard 6th July 2017 20:26

I was in Fremantle in 2012, and visited the Flying Angel there. There was a "Crowd" in there, spending very little money, and all clacking away on computers, then the mission bus took them all back to the ship. All quick turnarounds these days I suppose.

Engine Serang 9th July 2017 10:29

I'm considering posting selections from a weekly "Guest Publication" just like "Have I got News For You". I'll start with "Homing Pigeon Fancier" next week followed by "Freeway Markings Newsletter". About 50 posts per day and maybe 75 on Saturday and Sunday. If my BOT Acquaintances want their Inbox full of dross it may as well be interesting dross.

Farmer John 9th July 2017 10:43

Aah, perhaps I spy the stone in the shoe of this posting problem. I don't get notifications of postings by email, and so clogging of my inbox. If I did, I would be out of here ages ago. I am not sure how I turned it off, but somewhere in the settings it surely lurks. Turn that off, and you can come onto the site(perhaps I could have phrased that better) and see what is there, skim down the non-cruising posts, mark everything as read, no more to be seen until next time you want to come (I really could put this better).

Richard 9th July 2017 10:46

"Lingerie Weekly" or "Lamp Trimmers Guide" might be good subjects as well don't you think? :)

pompeyfan 9th July 2017 11:50

As I have said before, if some members do not like Shipping Industry News updates, then ignore them. Other members have posted likewise.

Today, to date, this is the only thread being discussed. Rather than suggesting other topics as mentioned above, why not open other threads. For example, in the Shipping Lines forum, 20 sub-forums have not been opened. Surely, members must have served on these lines? I opened two, P&O and Shaw Savill hoping others would follow. There are also seven forums all shipping related not opened yet. If all these were opened, it would soon cancel out the cruising updates.

Dartskipper 9th July 2017 20:24


Originally Posted by Richard (Post 5943)
"Lingerie Weekly" or "Lamp Trimmers Guide" might be good subjects as well don't you think? :)

That sounds "frilling," Richard!

Jolly Jack 10th July 2017 11:00


Originally Posted by Farmer John (Post 5942)
Aah, perhaps I spy the stone in the shoe of this posting problem. I don't get notifications of postings by email, and so clogging of my inbox. If I did, I would be out of here ages ago. I am not sure how I turned it off, but somewhere in the settings it surely lurks. Turn that off, and you can come onto the site(perhaps I could have phrased that better) and see what is there, skim down the non-cruising posts, mark everything as read, no more to be seen until next time you want to come (I really could put this better).

I'm the same, John. I don't get any hassle so mine must be switched off as well.

The site is fine.


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