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Engine Serang 14th April 2024 08:53

Henners! Henners!
Get a grip my Lordship and for gods sake don't drink it. Look what it did to the mad xylophone player from mars.

Varley 14th April 2024 13:59

I had no idea that the xylophonist astronomer was a connoisseur also of fizz. Even he, I suggest, would not consider the terroir of Mars suitable until he had had it tested. I don't think he was from there, just that he would have liked to go there.

Varley 14th April 2024 18:58

I have received no requests from either Abi or Charlie. Is there something artistically unappealing about my genitalia?

Engine Serang 15th April 2024 21:24

Nor will you.
One presumes.

Varley 16th April 2024 14:07

Well. It is one explanation.

Engine Serang 22nd April 2024 12:03

Had a heavy weekend of drinking, no bubbles, and I feel a dammed sight better than I have in a long time. Bubbles is bastards.
Agree or otherwise.

Varley 22nd April 2024 14:17

Depends at which end the bubbles are featuring.

Top end, fine (and did some lunching Friday).

Bottom end, suggest porta and bothiebathjuice bad for gut flora/fauna (and any planned appearances at The Mistral, Shittam upon Peas should be postponed until the problem has passed).

(How's Tmac, bugger didn't leave any batteries with the Brightstar).

Engine Serang 23rd April 2024 08:04

Check there's a bulb in it.
Tmax is surrounded by empty tubes of Germoline and Sudocreme. Leave him alone you big bully.

Varley 23rd April 2024 16:47

Of course there's a bulb in it. I can hear it rattling about when I shake it.

Bully? It's not me with the four rings.

billyboy 3rd May 2024 01:52

bulbs? Bulbs? ,,,Spring time already out there?
I have no idea of where we are or where we are heading to. I left the ship in the capable hands of ES. Hope he gets it right or Tmac's steel toe cap boots will be brought into use again.
I seem to have a full time occupation swallowing pills of various colours shapes and sizes. they didnt give any diamond shape blue one though.

rustytrawler 3rd May 2024 12:34

Eyup billyboy, you keep batting and i will send round titty to help with the blue tablets.

billyboy 24th May 2024 23:06

Hmmm. No activity since May 3rd.

Might be time to go into lay up in the Fal.

Lay off a course for Falmouth ES. Lets go lay the old girl up.

OLDGIT77 25th May 2024 07:27


Originally Posted by billyboy (Post 53129)
Hmmm. No activity since May 3rd.

Might be time to go into lay up in the Fal.

Lay off a course for Falmouth ES. Lets go lay the old girl up.

Hi . Billyboy .

My lay up will be in Newquay bay , my hometown .

I Have arranged for the local boatmen to scatter my ashes
on the sea .
Grew up with a lot of them .

All the best . wish you well .


Varley 25th May 2024 14:05

Daren't lay her up. How would any of us get an ENG1 to rejoin?

Don't expect me to jolly you all up. I am out of Rochas (economising until my 'pot' is out of administration) and damn Tesco is out of its own-brand. On top of that my people have persuaded me to get another lawn mower (old people qualified type) just so I can join in that bloody fun.

YM-Mundrabilla 26th May 2024 02:49

It's been a fun voyage.
These days, apart from ENG1, there would probably be some form of shrink (err aptitude) test.
The mind boggles! :rolleyes::eek:
Will there be a redundancy payment or should we take out insurance and scuttle her?
:curtain_call: :wave:

billyboy 26th May 2024 07:50

I am open to all ideas Men, No news from the agents, No charters, No Towing jobs. It either find a semi permanent berth somewhere or go into lay up.
But you never know, something might turn up to keep us all employed. (goodness knows what would become of our 4 legged engine room crew).
Mr Varley, please keep one ear open up in the shack in case something crops up.

Varley 26th May 2024 13:15

As long as the groceries keep coming (note importance of licensed type) I am happy to drift off. Off where is not so important but with those tightwads I/C the A/C somewhere not yet globally overwarmed would be sensible. However I will have the boy copy the Russian traffic lists as well. I hear there may be a few opportunities for salvage if we are quick enough on our toes. He's brought-up the copper aerial tubing lovely so doing a watch or two extra will take his mind off that - he's been showing signs of wanting to do some fault finding but I don' think Brasso and the Avo are ideal bedmates (he tells me that FeverTree doesn't improve the flavour either and his teeth are going a strange colour too).

Engine Serang 27th May 2024 07:46

Me and the Memsahib take a well deserved break in Munich and now we find our erstwhile shipmates have organised a putsch behind our backs. Well I have a message for you scurvy dogs, I'm back.
I'm back and going to kick arse. Lay up indeed.
More will follow when I calm down and the froth stops.

rustytrawler 27th May 2024 11:03

We need to be at sea, if we stay ashore fish'e sunak will have you in the Army. left, right, left, right.

Malcolm G 27th May 2024 11:19

Not just Army!
Gnash nul service used to include bobbing about in boats…
Press gang anyone?

Varley 27th May 2024 12:42

Tightwad-one was on leave? We could have had the A/C after all. I wondered why she'd taken on a starboard list. Taking port from port (ye-hah I found one bottle of the Rochas left yesterday) whilst the bothie-bath-juice tank stayed unused. Tmac must still be on no-booze medication.

Tmac1720 28th May 2024 19:30

I'm still here I think, well what's left of me that is. So many bits have been removed I feel like the bloody Cheshire cat, soon all that will be left of me will be a feckin' smile. (and for those of you who know me a smile is rarely seen)

I have CCTV installed in the injum room, cobbled together with bits purloined from Varley's stores, its no wonder the bloody thing only works occasionally !!!!:cloud:

Anyhoo I have almost completed work on my escape tunnel from the second floor but the air gap to the ground might prove a tad difficult to overcome but I is a injuneer so back to the drawing board and the crayons.

Bollocks to the lay up idea, those bar stewards will find me again on a static ship. Wind up the knicker elastic, hoist the windy things and get the hell out of here...... AFTER I get back on board :thumb:

Engine Serang 28th May 2024 21:55

Welcome back old shipmate (sincere bit over), about bloody time. A stern tube is not rocket science.
And in anyways I'm Skipper and I'm well aware of what goes on down the pit, so watch it.
TKmax, Lord V and YM, youse three are a right pair if I've ever seen one. Start warming thro.

billyboy 29th May 2024 03:54

Ahh... Thats more like it, Well done skipper, crack the whip and keep em on their toes.

YM-Mundrabilla 29th May 2024 04:10

Your wish, ES, is my command.
I don't use a drawing board and crayons for my precision designs. I draw them out with chalk on the garage floor.:shock:

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