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Pat Kennedy 30th October 2018 19:53

Talking about drinking songs, here's one which describes comprehensively the worst hangover you ever had.
Although it was supposed to be about taking LSD it fits any kind of horrible hangover, especially one you get after drinking too much Dr Penfold's.

Kenny Rogers and the first edition feat Glen Campbell on guitar.

Pat Kennedy 30th October 2018 20:02

Lets have some one hit numbers.
Here's my favourite, by Norman Greenbaum, a massive hit in 1969, Greenbaum never had another hit record.

BobClay 30th October 2018 20:36

Yeah that is strange … because that number was a true classic.

One hit wonder ? :flowers: … but if it's going to be a 'one hit,' it was a good one to go out on.

gray_marian 30th October 2018 22:08

[QUOTE=Tom Alexander;19306]

Originally Posted by gray_marian (Post 19295)
I grew up with these below:)

LONNIE DONEGAN Have a Drink on Me - YouTube

I used to think that was the greatest song involving drink until this came along:

(It mentions Lonnie but where??)

In the credits only unfortunately.....:pint:

Dartskipper 31st October 2018 21:54

Here's a few one hit wonders;

At least, I don't recall any other major hits by these artists.(I may have cheated a bit with Love Unlimited, but big Barry isn't singing on this one!)

Harry Nicholson 1st November 2018 12:03

Takes me back to the nights of 'lock ins' up Nidderdale - a wonder we made it home.

Dartskipper 2nd November 2018 22:09

Another one hit wonder from 1965.

The band was formed by lads serving at RAF Wittering.(At 1.00 minute in, they are posing beneath the bomb aimer's position of a Handley Page Victor B1.) Their follow up record, Don't Push Me, wasn't a hit, but I still have an original 45 rpm disc of it in my collection. My older brother was also in the RAF then, and he was on the Entertainment Committee at RAF High Wycombe when they booked this band to appear along with others such as the Barron Knights.

sibby 3rd November 2018 15:49

Discovered and produced by Jonathon King i think.

Dartskipper 3rd November 2018 21:49


Originally Posted by sibby (Post 19476)
Discovered and produced by Jonathon King i think.

Indeed they were.

BobClay 4th November 2018 10:56

I've always been a fan of Ennio Morricone's music. And this lady can certainly hit the notes ..

Dartskipper 6th November 2018 20:40

This lady's voice is pretty special too...…

The song was used by Peugeot when they launched the 406 model.

Dartskipper 6th November 2018 20:46

Two very well known tunes from Ronald Binge.

I grew up in the 1950's and heard this often on the BBC Light Program, in the days before we got a goggle box.

Then later when hearing the midnight shipping forecast was important,.....

Dartskipper 6th November 2018 21:04

It seems some of the modern generation take offence at whistling, but have they ever heard these masters of the art?

BobClay 6th November 2018 22:32

Good voice too ….

Dartskipper 8th November 2018 20:06

Don't forget the most famous whistling pop record of the 1960's. (It's a naff video, but the track is original.)

I believe that the record was rushed out to market in 1967 and was really made by the Mike Sammes Singers. I first heard it on Radio London, which went off air later that same year.

Dartskipper 21st December 2018 19:40

It's Christmas!!
Wishing everybody a Merry Christmas, and a happy, peaceful, and prosperous New Year.

BobClay 22nd December 2018 09:17

Oh NO !!! …. and I thought I'd escaped that this year :eek: :yawn:

Dartskipper 22nd December 2018 09:29


Originally Posted by BobClay (Post 20532)
Oh NO !!! …. and I thought I'd escaped that this year :eek: :yawn:

Tee Hee! It was either that one or Wham! :sweat: (And they have been on every radio station this year too.)

BobClay 22nd December 2018 10:05

As long as it's not Roy Wood and Wizard, I might still make it through the holiday in the Black Country without shooting somebody.

Farmer John 27th December 2018 14:34


Originally Posted by BobClay (Post 20535)
...I might still make it through the holiday in the Black Country without shooting somebody.

Don't hang back out of courtesy to the rest of us.

Dartskipper 4th January 2019 21:29

Some folks think this a load of old disco schmaltz, but whenever I hear it, (and it doesn't get much air time these days,) it always takes me straight back to 1974. I first heard it in WABC (New York) radio station in January of that year when I was staying with a lovely young lady and her family in Noo Joysey. It made it's way to British Radio stations later that year and was popular during the Summer being heard quite often on Radio 2 (BBC). In September 1974, I secured a new job in charge of a newly built 76ft Yawl and began a voyage from Breskens that ended in Seattle the following Spring. This recording was played a lot in the tapas bars in Puerto Banus during our time there from October to December, preparing for the Atlantic crossing in January 1975, and I still have the 45 rpm disc I bought in Marbella. The lovely young ladyand I drifted apart, but the happy memories of those days will stay with me.

Dartskipper 4th January 2019 21:58

This one was used by the Ford Motor Company for their TV ads for the Mercury Bobcat, a tarted up badge - engineered Pinto.

BobClay 5th January 2019 00:41

When it comes to music in the 70's … a decade that had to follow the genius of the 60's and stood the test … well for me … it's very hard to get past this, both lyrically and musically.
Now I know I'm an old fart/grumpy old man/uncool/behind the times/etc (delete which not applicable) … but I don't care, I haven't heard any music lately that even gets in the same league.

That's my f****** opinion and I'm sticking to it. But, being the tolerant person that I've always been, I'm more than willing to listen to alternative opinions … before I shoot you. :sweat:

Dartskipper 5th January 2019 09:29

My Gran heard me playing "Dark Side of the Moon." She was fairly up to date back then with middle of the road stuff (but NOT Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep !) and liked most pop music. However, she definitely did not appreciate Pink Floyd. Thought they were terrible. She didn't know that the LP was by Pink Floyd, and the look on her face when I answered her question about who was playing "those nice tunes?" will remain with me.

DeniseDArteaga 13th October 2020 10:25

It's nice to hear a Christian song during this pandemic...

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